Saturday, July 24, 2010

Coincidences or behind-the-door trading

Has anyone thought about these series of events:

1) obama meets with the President of Russia
2) Chrysler-Fiat to close the Fiat manufacturing plant in Italy
3) Chrysler-Fiat to open a Fiat manufacturing plant in Russia


Seems to be a lot of negative America coincidences lately.

Does anyone know of any more?

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Space Flight for Iran

Has anyone put together the following events:
1) obama has shut down the US space program
2) NASA has been given directions to give information to the muslim community
3) iran has just announced it will put a man in space by 2019.


And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Being obese is OK

Ok A child that sits around all day and is allowed to eat all the time is just bad parenting.
BUT, heavy people are just normal.

Lets take a short walk down history. The early dinosaurs over 250,000,000 (That's over 250 million) years ago
were shrimps measuring about one foot tall. The Earth at that time was lush and getting 'lusher' plus there was more oxygen and CO2 in the air. All animals grew larger over time and there was plenty food for every animal.

Over the next 165,000,000 years, dinosaurs grew amazingly huge topping out around 50 tons (That's 100,000 LBs) and about 30 or 40 feet long. They just didn't go from pip-squeeks to amazons overnight. They grew to their enormous size over tens of millions of years.

Going back to the earliest human ancestors - about 5 to 6 million years ago, our ancestors were only about three feet tall. Lack of food and lack of protein was the main reason for their small size.

Then there is the commune in Sweden where everyone was over 6 feet 2 inches. They decided to only eat a macro-biotic diet. What happened? All their children were shorter than 5 feet 9 inches. Why? Lack of meat protein.

So that brings us to currant times. In the 1950s the average high school student was about 5 foot 6.5 inches
and skinny. Today's high school students average about 5 feet 10 inches and carry a lot more weight.

BUT are they obese? The news is trying to tell us that they are. My thought is that their height is evolution of the human species at work. In 5 to 6 million years we went from 3 feet to 5 feet 6.5 inches. In only 55 years,
we went from 5 feet 6.5 inches to 5 feet 10 inches. That's evolution at work. The human species is getting taller. And most of the human species are getting both prettier and more handsome.

I see second generation and third generation people of all races being taller than their parents and they are
also heavier. OK - Some of the extra weight might be a more sedentary lifestyle but for the most part its better nutrition, more meat in their diets and more available food.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Friday, July 9, 2010

How many US citizens are really unemployed.

The latest unemployment figures tell only part of the picture. About 4,400,000 people are getting unemployment insurance. And another 24,000,000 have lost their unemployment benefits and/or stopped looking for work. Plus, many of the newly employed have taken jobs at lower pay scales.

In talking with many small businesses, they all seem to have one mind. They will not hire anyone new because of the potential obama health care costs and the very real possibility of higher taxes.

I asked what would change their minds. Mostly, they are unsure of the government's future actions. They all told me that if they rescinded the obama health care law and replaced it with a more sensible and less costly version, that would make some difference. Another thing that would help to change their collective minds is keeping taxes where they are and renewing about-to-be-expired-tax-incentives. Without these changes, they told me that they are unlikely to hire anyone in the future. Many even said they have given thought to closing down completely.

With small business hiring over half the work force, that bodes poorly for any employment gain going forward.

The future of jobs is in our hands. By voting out the people - that made these terrible laws, will soon raise taxes and possible de-value the US Dollar - in November 2010 and again in 2012. The cause of this problem can be debated later. What is needed now is a tax-break stimulus to help small, medium and large businesses feel confident enough to begin hiring. As more people are hired the economy will begin to improve. Simple to do.

The unintended consequences of just spending unwisely with pork to pay for the bribes to pass the obama health care bill will eventually bankrupt the United States Of America. No One Wants That!!!

There has to be a compromise. Someone will gain the system more than others. OK. BUT the one fact is that those people will create jobs for the unemployed and that's the compromise. Like it or not, that is the answer.

And that's the way I see it...
Jay Clifford

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tax the WHITE people to pay for obama's spending

Is it just me or did the democratic congress vote to TAX ONLY THE WHITE PEOPLE???

The new law taxes tanning salons. Who goes to tanning salons? Not black people.
Not hispanic people. Not asian people - as a rule. So who is left?

The WHITE PEOPLE. They make up 99.99% of all tanners.

obama has pushed through a law that discriminates solely against white people.

I cannot believe that this congress discriminated against white people by taxing them.

Now I do not use a tanning salon. My skin tans easily. But taxing all the white people
who use the tanning salons is just plain discriminatory.

Write into any news group and your congress representatives. TELL THEM that they have
committed an act of discrimination with the tanning tax law.

Let me hear from you on this.
They should not be able to get away with this discrimination

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.