Saturday, July 14, 2012

Jesse Jackson Jr is still hiding !!!

Why is Jesse Jackson Jr hiding???

Is it Jesse Jr's possible connection with "bloggo" the Illinios governor who went to jail?

Is it about Jesse Jr trying to buy the Senate seat left open by obama???

What corrupt possibility has come home to roost on the Jackson name???

Remember, Jesse jackson was the person who told corporations to give money to his
pro-black "charity" or have a million black people picket their business locations!!!

That's right. It was a form of not-so-legal blackmail and it worked for the most part.

That's seems to be the way Jesse Sr got his money. M. L. KING is spinning in his grave -
seeing what Jesse (M.L.K.'s protege) did. And now Jesse Jr seems to be caught up in
 Jesse's corruption.

Remember the old adage:. "What goes around - Comes around!" Call it Karma or just a
fairness in life.

Jesse Jr! Stop hiding!  Jesse Jr Stop being a coward! Jesse Jr come home and face your

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford