The third estate was the Daily
NEWSPAPERS. News reporting would ask the hard questions of every President and
Congressperson - no matter what their political affiliation. That has stopped.
Now that ABC, CBS & NBC
are so biased that these stations are basically a propaganda machine for
liberals, our core freedom is challenged, damaged and threatened. As the press
goes - so goes America's freedom.
Without unbiased news
reporting, we can be lied to and no one will know.
That is why Freedom demands
an independent and free press.
In my opinion there are two
types of lies.
The first lie is a straight
The second lie is when you
purposely leave out important facts to lean the understanding of what you are
saying away from the truth. This is a lie of omission or not reporting. This is
what the three news TV stations are doing. They are under-reporting. They are
not telling complete truths.
And in this process they
are seeding the destruction of independent and free news reporting, the truth
and one of America's foundations for freedom - the free press. With
governmental controlled news, the citizens can be lead to believe whatever the
government wants to tell them. This is why dictators control the news
Today, with the three
channels -ABC-CBS-NBC- only reporting the news they want to tell and leaving
out the rest of the news, the citizen do not get the complete picture of what
is really happening.
We need to find a way to
get this message to these three news stations - or - not only will the Third
Estate be dead but the Freedom to do and say what we want will stop.
And that's they way I see
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.