The race to the President is reaching new lows. All I want to hear from the current President is what he has
done in plain talk. And how it will affect the USA and its citizens. And All I want to hear from the others is how they will be different from the current President.
All this double talk, lies and mis-direction is blurring reality and cheating the citizens of the USA.
We are at a cross-roads ---in my opinion--- similar to the 1930s in Germany. We have a choice between
traveling down a road to financial inflation and bankruptcy OR a very tough road to a strong USA. It is
that simple.
We can not spend money we do not have. Look at Greece. Look at Italy. Look at Spain. Remember what
happened to Mexico a few decades back. Remember what happened to Argentina a few decades back
We are seeing in Greece and Italy what could very easily happen in the USA. People not wanting to give up some of what they have to ensure that they will have something in the future. People greedy enough to demand pay
increases in the midst of a major recession. People demanding pensions while other have no pensions for
all sorts of reasons - many not their fault - like bankruptcies.
We need to cut our spending immediately - not in ten years. Why immediately? Because the interest is
approaching a level that cuts into the money available for social spending.
Do we want to spend out gross national product paying interest on the debt or to give everyone medical care?
The solutions are simple. It's the power grabs of congress and the President that are making it difficult. we
need to cut spending - plain and simple. And if we cannot figure out where to cut, then we need to cut
everywhere by 6% or 7%.
Like any company in financial trouble, we need to shed employees and assets. This will reduce expenses and
bring in revenue. We need to do things that we might not do in good financial times. Things like;
1) Open up Anwar for oil drilling. This is a wasteland delta close to another private drilling operation.
That will increase jobs and bring in tax revenue plus decrease our oil dependancy on countries that hate us.
2) Build the Pipeline from Canada to our southern refineries. This will increase jobs and bring in oil that will
otherwise flow to china. More jobs and more tax revenue.
3) We need to cut some of the agencies in our government or at least reduce the number of employees in
each agency. Private companies all over the USA are doing exactly that and they are turning profits.
4) We need to bring home some of our soldiers stationed in Germany and South Korea and re-deploy them
in the southwest States of America.
That will slow the drug traffic into the USA and help to secure our southern borders. And as a benefit, the
southern states will get needed income and from all these soldiers. More USA jobs and more tax revenue.
5) We need to deepen the harbor in South Carolina so it can handle the new and deeper container ships.
That will add tens of thousands of jobs plus keep costs low for imported goods.
All five of these choices will INCREASE JOBS AND TAX REVENUE. And this increased revenue can offset some of
the interest in our debt plus pay down our debt.
It is simple. It can be done quickly. The results will show up within a few months. Here's one reason why.
Just by announcing that we will drill in ANWAR, Alaska and that we will build the pipeline will bring down the price
of oil. It does not matter that the actual flow of oil will be a few years in the future. When the price of oil drops two things happen.
1) The price of gasoline will drop - putting thousands of disposable dollars into consumers' hands.
2) Those countries that hate us will have less revenue to finance terrorism against the USA.
All good things. So why aren't we doing this??????????? It's all about POWER. The power of congress,
The power of the President. The powerlessness of the USA citizens.
We need to accomplish these five tasks NOW.
Call your congressperson and demand that we accomplish these five things NOW!!!
And That's the Way I See It...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford