Have you wondered how over a hundred thousand Egyptians can protest evert day? Don't they have jobs to go to? The answer is that Egypt has over 30% unemployment. And that's for unskilled to college educated Egyptians.
When you consider the REAL UNEMPLOYMENT RATE IN THE USA IS AROUND 20% or 60,000,000 people.
(((THAT'S SIXTY MILLION USA CITIZENS ARE UNEMPLOYED.))) - when you consider these numbers, it's a wonder that the USA does not follow Greece and Egypt in national street protests against the government's failed policies.
We know the obama will stay in Office for about 20+ months and the Senate is still obama's boys. The House's new Republicans or Tea Party representatives have to lead strongly to cut excess spending and reduced the debt by 10 Billion to 20 Billion dollars a year for several years.
If we don't, there is nothing to stop future inflation, the de-valuation of the dollar and possible the dollar being replaced by some other currency or basket of currencies as the standard unit of money.
What will that mean to the USA??? For one, the price of oil will jump by 50% to 100% or more. That one factor will severely hurt the US's economy. The airlines will either raise rates or go out of business or be nationalized. If the airline customers cannot afford to travel, the tourist industry will begin to decline. If oil doubles, the price of gasoline will triple. And that means all item that need to be transported whether by truck or train will become much more expensive. And that means consumerism will drop and that means a depression worst than the 1930's.
So you see why it is imperative that we cut the over spending and reduce the US debt in large enough amounts each year. And we need congress to stop screwing with the people and do what is right for the citizens of the United States. Congress people need to put the needs of the country above their individual needs. Congress needs to cut over spending. And do it in the very next budget.
The alternative is just too horrible to think about.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk With Jay Clifford.