Do you like being lied to?
Do you like having someone reach into your pocket and spend your money on themselves?
Do you like people always blaming others for what they were supposed to do? Never taking responsibility???
Well the obama bus campaign tour is just that lie.
It is not about doing his job as President.
The tour is a campaign tour for re-election and tax money is paying for it.
Tax money that you and I are sending in to the treasury every paycheck.
Call your congressperson and complain that obama should be paying for this campaign tour from his re-election fund.
Tell the obama to be responsible for his actions FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE! Stop voting "present" and take a stand.
The only reason there was any debt reduction (small as it is) was because Americans said
TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY - TEA for short. Just like the Boston tea party when AMericans tossed the
English Tea Overboard in rebellion to the taxes imposed by the King of England, the TEA group
said ENOUGH. And it is only because of the TEA group that we have stopped some ((NOT ALL)) of
the run-a-way spending by congress.
And lastly - Remember the BS budget submitted by the obama calling for 4 to 6 TRILLION MORE
DOLLARS IN SPENDING??? WELL that 'budget' did not get one vote. Not one vote from the Republicans. Not One vote from the Democrats. That shows you just how STUPID that obama budget proposal was.
And the obama claims that he is doing something. That is pure BS - a lie.
Remember when someone yelled "You Lie" in obama's state of the Union speech. Turns out that obama did lie.
You can not trust this obama with any more time as President. Anyone Democrat or Republican would be better.
ANYONE BUT OBAMA is on my 2012 campaign button.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk WIth Jay Clifford.