Friday, June 15, 2012

The obama does it again

Don't we have an independent Congress anymore? What's with
this obama writing new laws from the executive office. The Office
of the President is supposed to be separate from Congress and the
Supreme Court. Watch out America. He is looking at disbanding
Congress and declaring obama-law. This will never happen. I
believe in our Constitution.

This immigration quasi-law that obama talked about today is nothing
more than  political campaign speech. If he really wanted to do this,
he could easily done this when the Democrats controlled both Houses

And today's obama speech was also a "two-fer". He also moved
attorney general's illegal activities off the front page for a few days.
Eric Holder needs to resign or be impeached immediately.

In my opinion, eric holder is a reverse racist. He is anti-caucasion and
pro black. He has demonstrated this over and over. And speaking of
racists, in my opinion, the obama is a rabid racists. Just look at what
he does and what he talks about and what he injects his words into.

This President had zero management experience and zero experience
of any kind except being able to deliver an effective speech. He is a fraud.
He need to be voted out.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.