The Japan earthquake and tsunami has shown the world that we need something new to create energy.
Recently in INC Magazine, there was an article about a little box that is being tested that takes less energy
to create more electric power. In fact, one Electric utility is currently testing this new product.
I think this company should offer their new product to Japan's electric company. They would get world-wide
coverage and - in my opinion - if it works as people are saying - this could change the face of electric
power within a decade. People could eventually purchase smaller versions and not be tied to an electric
company's "down lines" during storms. PLus they could save on their energy costs.
Sounds like an idea whose time has come and the opportunity is perfect.
Read the latest issue of INC Magazine and see what I am talking about. It is part of your near future.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk With Jay Clifford