Have you noticed that obama's face is everywhere on the internet just like every other dictator in third world countries. This over-exposed President is pushing the respectable position of the
President of the United States into a horrible place.
OK, I understand face and name recognition for getting votes. But the 23rd amendment of the
U.S. Constitution limits any President to two terms. And that means obama is out after 2016.
So why is his face plastered on the internet like a cockroach??? - it's everywhere.
Maybe Ted Nugent was right and he is a threat to the U.S. and its Constitution.
Remember, obama is from Chicago where he studied under Mayor Daily (The Boss -
read the book to understand) and where it's patronage or the highway or cement boots.
That is the history of Chicago and the "Chicago Way."
In other words the Chicago Way says --- If I can't buy you or bribe you, I'll kill you.
Hey, I'm not making this up. Even today, Chicago is more dangerous than all of
Afghanistan. Today, it is the "homicide" capital of the United States. It's not about guns.
It is about gangs and controlling the drug sales. And obama's answer shows he does
not understand or does not want to understand this fact. He is too rapped up in his
personal ideology to even consider what other people know except for Vallory Jarrett.
Obama does not make a move without discussing it with Vallory. Ask the people
in the West Wing and you will hear stories about Vallory screaming to everyone
and talking like she is the second President.
Let's hope we can survive the next obama term and vote in a politician that has
both business and management experience - none of which this obama has,.
Lastly, it is the obligation of every citizen to own and know how to use a gun(s).
This will protect you from both civil strife and from a dictator's military.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.