Mob action by unions is destroying the United States rule-by-law.
Instead the unions will intimidate through force - brute force - to get what they want. And what do they want.
Let's look at what is behind the union wants.
The union wants you and me to pay for their pensions. The public pays for these pensions through real estate taxes and state taxes. Sure union members pay these same taxes but their share is so little compared to what they are getting that it is UNFAIR to the rest of the tax paying people who do not have these high-paying pensions.
And what is making up the most of many state's deficits? It's union pensions!!!
States need to limit union action with states. Unions have a place in the private sectors but not in the governmental sectors where you and I pay for these excessive concessions to pensions and health care for union members.
I compare these strong-arm union tactics to 'mob' actions similar to "protection rackets."
We need strong people to stand up to these brutes. They are bullies and bullies should not be tolerated.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk by Jay Clifford