Oil everywhere – in the wetlands – covering the ducks, pelicans and dolphins – dissolved into small goblets flowing into the ocean’s conveyor belt and on the beaches. And no one can stop the leak. Not BP. Not the President. But someone needs to stop the lies coming from the President. He was not involved with the Gulf oil leak disaster the first five weeks after the explosion. He made four photo ops just recently and talked and talked and talked but did nothing. There was help from the Dutch 3 days after the explosion. BUT the President dismissed the help. Hundreds of people wrote, e-mailed and called in with all sorts of ways to collect the oil and the President did nothing. The marshes are being killed and the President did nothing. Then in a official Tuesday evening broadcast from the Oval Office, the President said nothing about how he would stop the leak or even collect the oil. Instead he said, he wants congress to pass a new law to tax the people on the whim that someone, someday will figure out how to replace our dependence on fossil fuel. And he wants to destroy one of our basic industries – the coal mining industry. But he offers no replacement for the fuel. Since most electricity is created form coal, we would be faced with either much higher electricity costs, black outs or both all over the USA. Now that’s an offer you can refuse. And the President said he wanted to establish an escrow fund from BP’s money that the President through his CZAR would manage. That’s like having the foxes guard the hen house. Talk about a new big slush find.
How about phasing in new technologies while continuing to explore and drill for more domestic oil and to continue using coal for the production of electricity. And over the next decade, we can add into the mix more wind, solar and even nuclear created electricity. In that decade, there could be vast improvements in these technologies by entrepreneurs. This type of break- thought cannot be legislated. It happens when it happens. By setting a realistic goal and timetable, we can work towards energy independence. Not by demanding that we come up with something if we throw money at it. Central planning did not work in the Soviet Union and will not work in the USA free market.
One factor in our use of oil is the average miles per gallon rate for entire automobile company-wide models. The SUV (a truck if ever there was one yet figured as an automobile for license plates and not figured in the auto company’s average miles per gallon) is one factor that continues to bring the UNOFFICIAL average miles per gallon per auto company down. At least the SUV is being replaced by the old station wagon now called a crossover. What’s in a word? Marketing.
OK there’s new legislation that raises the minimum miles per gallon per auto company and that is good. However, that will take effect about 2013. So for the next few years there might be a slight increase in each auto company’s miles per gallon. This will be offset by an increase in the number of cars, SUVs and trucks. So where is the savings? And how soon will it arrive? And why the rush to bring A NEW TAX NOW on the “IF-COME” that someone – someday will call out ‘eureka’ and develop a better solar panel or auto battery or who knows what. The economy needs to recover from the recession we are in first.
Oh Yes – remember the recession that was supposed to be shortened by the stimulus? Well the government run stimulus worked well didn’t it. Not even 100,000 new industry full time job created at an expense of $787,000,000,000. WOW! That’s a lot of zeros. Seven Hundred Eighty-Seven BILLION and no results. That’s how governments work.
Do you feel scammed. I do. Added to that, is that part of that stimulus money was used, in my opinion, to bribe enough senators and congresspersons to get the health care bill past. One huge slush fund and no new jobs. More on this later.
The president’s words show that he has no experience, no sense of history (except his place in it), doesn’t care about the people of the USA and is surrounded by people with no experience. They are ivory tower dreamers with zero management experience and it shows by their inaction or bad actions. At least hire some people to make good management decisions. Instead, all the CZARS are so unqualified to run the United States of America that its scary. And as a student of history, this looks a lot like 1930’s when the people of Austria welcomed the Central planning regime of Germany. And look where that got them. We are traveling down the same path. When people demand more of their government than their government is able to provide and able to pay, then we are headed for a collapse much like Greece.
In 1909 someone said: The Constitution is a great document until someone figures out how to bribe the citizens with their own money.” My fellow citizens, the congress has figured this out and is using this against all the people of the United States of America. Unless the balance of power is returned to Washington DC, the USA will turn into a second class country. The Congress needs to reflect the will of the people – not the interest groups nor big business.
And that’s the way I see it…
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.