Saturday, February 19, 2011


Nature has a way of dampening down on "Overpopulation". When small ground mammals have extra large families, the predators somehow know to increase their babies. And this gets the population back level. When any human grouping prior to very recent times grew to large, disease always struck and reduced the human population.

Now we have used our brains to build larger cities with intricate systems of fresh water plants and food and transportation and disease control plus reduce baby mortality. All this combines to create an over-populated world.

When any disaster occurs like a hurricane or major flooding or tsunami or earthquake or prolong drought, all the structures for supplying fresh water and food disappear. This will be the way of the future. The "bread-basket" of the Midwest USA has experienced several repeating droughts. The underground lake in the Midwest is slowly being drained for irrigation. If a drought and the water table in that lake drop at the same time, the USA will be without both a food source and a multi-billion export industry. Are you prepared to last 2 or 3 years before the "bread-Basket regains its growing capacity?

Some of the things we are doing now could stave off that scenario for a year or two. But 3 or 4 years and there will be riots in the streets with people looking for food. And people will begin to migrate back to around the Great Lakes where there is plenty of fresh water.

Somehow - Someway - the world's population needs to reduce by as much as half or we will all be in dire straits.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk With Jay Clifford
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