Sunday, January 23, 2011

Can A Leopard Change Their Spots

Tuesday's Jan 25th State of the Union speech will have obama telling everyone that his beliefs,
held for his lifetime, and the legislation he pushed through with "behind-the-closed-door-bribes" was all a mistake and now he "Sees The Light" and wants to go off in a new direction.

Can you believe him? I do not think so.

He will say whatever it takes to get him re-elected in 2012 so he can have the next 4 years without worrying about re-election and without worrying how many congresspersons he 'throws under the bus' to transform the United State of America into a 3rd rate, bankrupt, socialistic country.

Yes, the country needs jobs. Yes we need a change in the direction of the political winds.
Yes, people can change - after years of "seeing the light" and from years on the psychiatrist's couch.
BUT a leopard can never change their spots.
And neither can the core values of a dedicated socialists change into a capitalist over night.

I have zero trust in the person calling himself 'obama hussein'. Can you trust this man???

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk With Jay Clifford
