Monday, April 22, 2013

Global Warming is Bull S

To those buying Global Warming - get some perspective. Ten to Fifteen Thousand years ago, the LAST full ice age started melting. And before that the previous ice age was about 65,000 to 55,000 years ago. In between, the ice melted. So both ice ages lasted thousands of year before the human population was more than several thousand people. Then the "little ice age" from about 1200 AD thru 1650 AD lasted only 450 years. Then it started warming up and has been warming up for over 363 years. And I expect it will warm for many decades or more. But the next ice age is only 8,000 to 15,000 years from now. That's right. We can predict the CYCLES OF AN ICE AGE. And then there are the shorter cycles. Every 50 to 55 years the hurricanes get stronger for about 3 to 5 years then die down. This has been recorded for over 200 years. And there are the sun spots' 11.5 year cycle. Think about it. Here in Chicago, we have been hit with major 25 inches to 48 inches snow storms every 11.5 or 23 years like clockwork. The recent storms dropping snow and water in huge amounts this month is part of that sun spot cycle. And we might be going into a colder time as part of a typical cycle for the next few years. It is not human global warming. It is nature. Nothing the people do can change what the Earth will do.  One last fact. There are many temples and cities under water near Japan, India, Florida, France, Africa. They were all built before a major ice age melted and the ocean rose 50-some feet.
So, if Gore truly believes that the oceans will rise from global warming, why did he buy a large home on the beach in CA??? Can you say- two-faced? Or maybe he did it for the money. He did make over $35,000,000 on his global warming story. $35,000,000 is still a lot of money and I believe he used the global warming issue to cheat the people and all the governments just to make $35,000,000.
Just deal with the weather. I can guarantee it will change.
And that's the way I see it.
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

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Eton Weather Alert Radio Black NFRX3WXB (Google Affiliate Ad)

Timex Wireless Weather And Atomic Digital Wall Clock (Google Affiliate Ad)

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Celestron Wireless Lcd Weather Station (Google Affiliate Ad)

From "Conservative Gal" with my second

The Postal Service was established in 1775. You had 234 years to get it right and it is broke. 
Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 74 years to get it right and it is broke. 
Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get it right and it is broke. 

War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor" and they only want more. 

Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 44 years to get it right and they are broke. 
Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get it right and it is broke.

The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 32 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure. 

You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars. 


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HISTPATT GAME - XBOX 360 (Google Affiliate Ad)

remove obamacare now

This obamacare law will be the cog in the Gross National Product wheel that causes total US business to shrink. Shrinking business will reduce employment. Reduced unemployment will cause a recession. A recession with businesses cutting jobs and smaller profits -(if at all)- will produce smaller taxes to the treasury. The treasury in an attempt to keep the economy afloat will increase its monthly $85,000,000,000 cash infusion into the banking system creating inflation. The backs will have fewer people and businesses to loan money to and will shrink profits which will reduce their taxes. This recession will drag into a depression. The depression will drag into possible food riots or force military/marshall law on all of us. The dollar will collapse and no one will have money. Before you barter your last chair for a loaf of bread, you will take to the streets and complain. But the complaining should be done today to avoid and avert this from happening.
By reducing the deficit now and backing out of obamacare now and reducing some newer EPA and other regulations now we can grow out of this dead end we are now in. Yes, it will be tough on many. BUT the USA will remain solvent and the dollar will regain its value. That will also lower gasoline, food costs, and increase jobs which will increase federal taxes which will further reduce the deficit. ALL GOOD. Then when the yearly budget is producing more income taxes than dollars we are spending and the gross deficit (different from the year budget) is declining, we can again take up JUST SOME of the good things that were in obamacare.
That's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.