Monday, April 22, 2013

remove obamacare now

This obamacare law will be the cog in the Gross National Product wheel that causes total US business to shrink. Shrinking business will reduce employment. Reduced unemployment will cause a recession. A recession with businesses cutting jobs and smaller profits -(if at all)- will produce smaller taxes to the treasury. The treasury in an attempt to keep the economy afloat will increase its monthly $85,000,000,000 cash infusion into the banking system creating inflation. The backs will have fewer people and businesses to loan money to and will shrink profits which will reduce their taxes. This recession will drag into a depression. The depression will drag into possible food riots or force military/marshall law on all of us. The dollar will collapse and no one will have money. Before you barter your last chair for a loaf of bread, you will take to the streets and complain. But the complaining should be done today to avoid and avert this from happening.
By reducing the deficit now and backing out of obamacare now and reducing some newer EPA and other regulations now we can grow out of this dead end we are now in. Yes, it will be tough on many. BUT the USA will remain solvent and the dollar will regain its value. That will also lower gasoline, food costs, and increase jobs which will increase federal taxes which will further reduce the deficit. ALL GOOD. Then when the yearly budget is producing more income taxes than dollars we are spending and the gross deficit (different from the year budget) is declining, we can again take up JUST SOME of the good things that were in obamacare.
That's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

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