Saturday, August 21, 2010

obama and the Chicago Way

What is the Chicago Way. My experience shows its based on patronage. Hire as many workers as you can and tell them that their job is dependent on you getting elected. Then. constantly hire new workers in every department. Then, create new departments. All those patronage jobs are completely dependent on you getting re-elected. Lastly, raise all types of local taxes to pay for the raises these patronage workers get. And many of these workers do not have to work a full day.

In Chicago, when there were real news reporters ((unlike today's quasi-reporters)), there would be the daily exposure of workers sleeping on the job or spending their time anywhere but at work. But these reporters for some reason were slowly removed. Maybe pressure from the political officials? Or maybe the TV stations just got feed up with the constant negative reporting. Whatever the reason, there is only the political bosses reporting about corruption when it best served their interest to help get them re-elected.

Another Chicago Way is to either harass or eliminate your opponents. Being the business center of Al Capone, you get my drift.

Another famous Chicago Way is to have closed-door or back-door deals. A group of politicians meet secretly and make deals which partly do something and partly pay themselves and their friends or supporters

Does this sound familiar ??? Really think! This sounds familiar to me.

It should sound familiar. Just look at what is happening with our government. The number of government workers has significantly increased. The number of new departments has significantly increased. The wages of government workers is now greater then the public sector's wages. And there is more. There is plenty of harassment to anyone who does not abide by the obama way. And the health care system is filled with back-door deals for all types of obama supporters. Not saying that health care reform wasn't needed. It just was SOLD with bribes to many congresspersons and union people. That left out all the people who were perfectly happy with their health care programs and now are beginning to see their health care premiums go up by 10% - 14% - 18% and more. And the new taxes coming January 1, 2011 will go where??? Mostly to pay for all the bribes that were passed out to get congresspersons to vote for the health care bill. And the official governmental budgeting department now says that the health care law will cost more then they originally said. They blame the extra loss on not receiving enough accurate information from the obama camp. Information that the obama camp had before the bill was passed. That's another Chicago Way. Leave off anything or any information that gets in your way.



And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Population growth & JOBS

No one wants to admit it BUT the can support only so many people. Once a"Critical mass" is reached, some disease will lower the population 'naturally.' And if great achievements in medicine put off that time for another decade or century, then the disaster will be that much greater.

Now the Democrats want the extra population - specially the poor, needy and those wanting"Social justice" '. So they will never vote to restrict growth"

And the Republicans do not want any form of Birth_control", so they will never vote for restriction population growth.

The last thing I want to do is praise China with all its terrible Civil_and_political_rights" problems. BUT the 'one family - one child' law has kept China from a population explosion. And it will continue to shrink in population over the next century. This has allowed the children to get the parental attention they deserve; and reduces the strain on food production; and reduces all the residual needs that a growing population demands of its country.

That leaves the poor everywhere and "India" which are all growing at too high a rate. Don't get me wrong. I am not against the poor having babies. It's just that in time past, these families would only bring about 1 or 2 babies to child bearing tears and lived only 35 to 40 years. Today's medicine changes the statistics. Now when a poor family has 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or more babies, most of them grow up to child bearing age and have babies themselves.

We see it in. Teenagers are having babies who have babies as teenagers. Sometimes there are 5 or 6 generations living together. The children definitely do not get the care they need. And who pays for this? Social Services - OK yours and my Federal taxes. The over-crowding in the schools with children raised by children causes so many problems that its a blog in and of itself.

Then there is all these children wanting jobs at some time. The current estimate is about 86,000 children enter ((OR want to enter)) the job market EVERY WEEK. Even in the best of times, this is impossible. There job isn't that many jobs to go around. Worst is that most of the 86,000 new job seekers do not even have a "High school" diploma. Who wants to hire them? Walmart - Grocery stores - moving companies - political assignments - etc. Even these jobs have an upper limit.

And lastly, there is the need for fresh water and food for all these people.
We well eventually come a time when the Earth will not support this fast population growth. We need to address this today all over the world.

ANd that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford


This is not about civil rights in my opinion. This is about a 10% sub-set of humanity that is demanding not that we accept them but that we change the rules for the other 90% who are not gay. There was a vote. And about 7,000,000+ people voted that "MARRIAGE" is between a MAN and a WOMAN.

If gay people want to marry, let them have the wonderful ceremony, exchange rings and swear they will be faithful. Then they can apply for a 'civil' arrangement which does exactly the same thing as when a man and a woman get married.

Two last issues.
1) What does it say to the public citizens when they overwhelmingly vote one way and one official just contradicts what they voted for??? Why should anyone ever want to vote if that is allowed to happen???
2) If 2 men or 2 woman are allowed to marry, what about 3 woman and 2 men??? That allows a Mormon man to marry 8 women. Didn't we say that was just wrong in this day and age??? . Maybe (crudely) a man and his sheep
will be allowed to marry.

Once the ONE MAN+ONE WOMAN concept of marriage is destroyed, then all civil rulings will become meaningless.

And that's the way I see it.
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford