No one wants to admit it BUT the can support only so many people. Once a"Critical mass" is reached, some disease will lower the population 'naturally.' And if great achievements in medicine put off that time for another decade or century, then the disaster will be that much greater.
Now the Democrats want the extra population - specially the poor, needy and those wanting"Social justice" '. So they will never vote to restrict growth"
And the Republicans do not want any form of Birth_control", so they will never vote for restriction population growth.
The last thing I want to do is praise China with all its terrible Civil_and_political_rights" problems. BUT the 'one family - one child' law has kept China from a population explosion. And it will continue to shrink in population over the next century. This has allowed the children to get the parental attention they deserve; and reduces the strain on food production; and reduces all the residual needs that a growing population demands of its country.
That leaves the poor everywhere and "India" which are all growing at too high a rate. Don't get me wrong. I am not against the poor having babies. It's just that in time past, these families would only bring about 1 or 2 babies to child bearing tears and lived only 35 to 40 years. Today's medicine changes the statistics. Now when a poor family has 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or more babies, most of them grow up to child bearing age and have babies themselves.
We see it in. Teenagers are having babies who have babies as teenagers. Sometimes there are 5 or 6 generations living together. The children definitely do not get the care they need. And who pays for this? Social Services - OK yours and my Federal taxes. The over-crowding in the schools with children raised by children causes so many problems that its a blog in and of itself.
Then there is all these children wanting jobs at some time. The current estimate is about 86,000 children enter ((OR want to enter)) the job market EVERY WEEK. Even in the best of times, this is impossible. There job isn't that many jobs to go around. Worst is that most of the 86,000 new job seekers do not even have a "High school" diploma. Who wants to hire them? Walmart - Grocery stores - moving companies - political assignments - etc. Even these jobs have an upper limit.
And lastly, there is the need for fresh water and food for all these people.
We well eventually come a time when the Earth will not support this fast population growth. We need to address this today all over the world.
ANd that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
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