Friday, September 24, 2010


TODAY WE ARE WITNESSING what happened in the mid-1800's when a new party called the Republicans put up an unknown candidate - Abraham Lincoln.

The TEA PARTY is now doing exactly the same thing on mostly the same issue. Smaller government and states rights. It's time the Republican party joined forces with the TEA PARTY to win over congress. Then congress can pass as many bills without any Democrats. Then congress can rescind the obama health care law and bring spending back to 2008 levels.

Heck - any manager can wring out 5% or 10% or even 15% or waste in their budget. Cut the fat. Reduce the government employee roles. Keep taxes at the same level as today. And they can do this without any reduction in

OK some pet projects will be placed on hold. And some companies that do business with the government will lose revenue for a year or two. BUT the majority of government job reduction will reduce the obama patronage job bloating - a common way to maintain power in Chicago, IL.

By reducing jobs and rescinding and re-working the health care package, the United States can again get it's financial house in order. And that will be good for everyone - not just the Democrats who took bribes for their votes.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

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