Wednesday, January 19, 2011

NPR Nat'l Public Radio Needs to be free

NPR or National Public Radio needs to be free.

Why Should NPR get govt money - Why should my tax dollars be used to support this radio statio? IF the station's mission is to spread FREEDOM over the world, that is OK by me. Then, this station needs to stay completely and always out of USA politics at home.

Since there is an agenda at NPR to spew one political side over another, and paid by tax money, this is offensive to me. That said, NPR needs to be OFF US PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. NPR needs to compete like every other radio station.

If this station continues to get involved in biased reporting of the US political scene, then they need to compete for their money like every other radio station and NOT GET ANY US TAXPAYER MONEY.

And that's the Way I See It...
Straight Talk With Jay Clifford

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