What is going on with the selective decisions on foreign politics. We do not interfere when muslims are slaughtering Christians in west africa. We start a face book ground swell in Egypt whose outcome is still in question. We do nothing when China massacres hundreds during a protest. We semi-attack Libya to little
to late and get involved in a civil war that we know nothing about who is doing the uprising.
And we have no way to finalize the results.
We have not interfered in Bahrain where we have physical assets in our naval ships. The Saudis have sent troops
to Bahrain to support the government there. The entire middle east is splitting between two factions of muslims.
Does it seem to you that the obama always takes the side of muslims or gets involved in racial matters???
It seems that way to me.
And where did the obama go immediately after he declared war on Libya? He went out of town. And did the obama go to congress to obtain a declaration of war before sending out ships to fight??? No way!!!
And will we accept Libya as two countries like North and South Korea??? is there any way an east Libya can
exist without the oil from west libya? I do not think so. And with the tens of BILLIONS of oil dollars that Libya's
dictator has stashed away, does it matter that we freeze his assets abroad??? Not in the least. So what will be
the possible outcome? We have to HOPE and PRAY for Libya's dictator's untimely death. Not a good bet.
With a President who can not and has never led anything, we can expect nothing from the obama except
what he has shown us already. He will protect the interests of muslims and Blacks. Definitely NOT a President
We have to wait and see. Maybe one of our missiles will get lucky find the right person. Are you feeling lucky
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
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