AT 7,000,000,000 PEOPLE, there is just so much fresh, drinkable water. It's about 1% of all the water on Earth. A lot of water BUT the drain of water is increasing every day as an increasing population will need more water; as more people switch from a grain diet to a meat diet; as more land need irrigation for farming. One of the largest population countries is doing a great job in managing and reducing its population. BUT no good deed goes undone - as they say. The Chinese people have acquires a taste for meat. The difference is about 45,000 gallons of water per pound of growing meat versus 1.5 gallons of water for the same amount of rice. WOW !!! BIG DIFFERENCE. And the oceans are producing at capacity now. So we now have fresh water fish farms; another drain on the limited water supply.
There is about 1.5% of all the world's fresh water in ice burgs and glaciers. Who would want to risk melting this source of water. At some point, the ocean levels would rise and that would mean millions would be force to flee lower ground for higher ground. That would cause unbelievable over-crowding and sanitation problems.
So what are we to do? For one, every country need to force a population reduction. India is the biggest population growth country and the one of poorest countries overall. Yet their population is soaring. That is an issue for another time. For now, someone needs to be prodding India to reduce their population.
The other resource for water is the ocean. Now the cost of fresh de-salted water is very expensive. When someone can figure out how to extract the pure water from the ocean and harvest the salt inexpensively, that will be the next multi-billion industry. And that will have a down side as well. That will encourage population growth.
Does anyone have abetter idea??? Hopefully someone reading this will have an idea and make it happen.
Until then, every drop of water you conserve, will prolong the remaining supply of fresh water. Thank about that when you are washing, bathing, brushing your teeth, washing you car or clothes or dishes. We can all do small bit that will add up to a huge slowing of the fresh water drain.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk With Jay Clifford
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