Sunday, July 31, 2011

Budget framework compromise weakened by obama's press conference

After all the wrangling between two sides and between sides within sides the President opens his mouth
and in a few sentences tells everyone that he believes the compromise is bad and he would not have
gone along with it.

How dare the President.

If I was either a Dem. or Rep. on the left or right of my party, I would be thinking hard whether
to vote yes or no after the President's stupid speech. He should have just kept his mouth shut
and left the process work. BUT NOOOOOO. He has to be the big shot and try to take some of'
the glory that was made by Congress.

This is a man who reached his Peter Principle when he became a senator and is mucking things up.
This man needs to admit he is over his head, step down and let the Vice President take over.

Let me know what you think - either leave a response so all can see or e-mail me at

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk With Jay Clifford

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