What started as a safety net has turned into an expected benefit.
But statistics show that with fewer people contributing to the Soc Sec fund and
more people living longer, then the Soc Sec fund will shrink until it can no longer
provide a safety net.
Here are a few suggestions:
1) Reduce the amount anyone can receive from soc sec depending on their total gross income.
If you make 250,000 a year from all sources, cut the percent payout by 10%
If you make 350,000 a year from all sources, cut the percent payout by 20%
If you make 500,000 a year from all sources, cut the percent payout by 33%
If you make 700,000 a year from all sources, cut the percent payout by 50%
If you make 900,000 a year from all sources, cut the percent payout by 75%
If you make 1.000,000 or more a year from all sources, cut the percent payout by 100%
That is called means testing and will not hurt anyone in those income categories.
2) Raise the social security AND the Medicare income limit by $100,000. That will only affect
large income people a small bit and will hardly affect any corporation.
3) If those two can't make soc sec fund solvent, then raise the age limit incrementally a month
a year for several years.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
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