Saturday, June 30, 2012

Look Out! It's now Germany 1936

In Germany, about 1936, the chancellor declared total control of all things in Germany and you had to swear allegiance to the new chancellor. Well fellow Americans, with obamacare there is no difference now than in Germany 1936. That's right! We have lost so many freedoms - THAT'S OUR FREEDOMS I'M TALKING ABOUT - in the last three years that I am scared. Scared that I will be taxed for not buying something. Scared that my religion will not be acceptable. scared that my healthcare will not now be as good and cost more than I can afford. Scared that my doctor told me that he will have to stop being a doctor because of obamacare. Scared that the government can lie to the people and get away with it. Then the government can bribe other congress persons to make them vote for a lie. (It's a TAX - not a penalty - GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD!) CONGRESS HAS CHEATED ALL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. That include the poor, the middle class, and the rich - everyone!

Whatever the news tells you, the truth - IT'S THE TRUTH YOU WILL READ HERE - is that 85% of all the USA citizens were happy with their health care. All that was needed was special legislation to take care of the remaining 15% who really needed help. BUT NOOOO! The congress had to make it worse for everyone including the 15% with A LIE in their new obamacare law.

We need to take obamacare back - ((That's called rescinding)) and replace it wIth something that takes care of the 15% that need the help PLUS making sure that people can change insurance companies without worrying about pre-existing conditions. And we need to get things that are not health related - like student loans - and the tax for not buying something - out of this BAD obamacare law.

How to do that??? First, we need to do TORT REFORM. What that means is to go against the lawyer's lobby. Tort reform will reduce the cost to doctors for special insurance they need to carry which can cost as much as $100,000 to $150,000 and more per year. No wonder the doctors are charging higher rates and no wonder doctors are leaving their profession. No wonder, there a fewer doctors being graduated today than ten years ago.

The second thing will help all USA citizens. Bring competition to the medical insurance premiums. Allow people to COMPARE AND BUY FROM ANY INSURANCE COMPANY ALL OVER THE USA. Stop the limits we place on citizens who can only buy from a few monopoly-like insurance companies within their state.

Third, we can do to the drug companies what other countries do to the drug companies. These other countries like England, France and Canada to name a few tell the drug companies the maximum amount they can charge these countries' citizens for drugs. There is still enough profit left over for the drug companies. NOW all Congress has to do is copy what these other countries are demanding from the drug companies.

That is so simple. Three simple things. Why hasn't this become law in the USA? Congress has to do its job. What are we paying congress and the president for. They are employees of the citizens of the USA; not there to 'steal' money from lobbys and make "front-end" stock purchases just before a new bill was about to become a law.

So simple - yet not done.

The people of the USA deserve more.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Dollar will be de-valued

Watch out dollar owners. As China increases the YUAN against the dollar, the purchasing power of the dollar will fall. Who will that help? Not the USA exporters whose products will then be more expensive in foreign countries. Not the USA purchasers of oil or gold or anything made outside of the USA. So who benefits???

The USA government benefits. HOW??? Because they can pay back the debt with cheaper dollars.
The USA will do this at the expense of anyone who has any dollars or dollar denominated investments.

The dollar has dropped in value so far that it is starting to look like the old Italian LIRA or maybe someday like the Argentine Peso or Austral OR the old German Mark OR the Mexican Peso.  All these currencies exploded into inflation and worthlessness.

Will the dollar be next??? Think it can not happen. Look at History. That's right HISTORY. Every nation since Romans times, any country that had more debt than it could pay off devalued its currency and screwed its citizens. I repeat - EVERY NATION with excessive debt - devalued or bankrupted its currency.

There are things to do to prepare. You have been alerted well in advance to protect your dollars and dollar denominated investments. It is not if - it is just a matter of time.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Friday, June 29, 2012

American Workers - You Decide

The day after the Supreme Court upheld the obamacare, I have a thought.

Say I'm a business owner of any size and I'm faced with the extra costs
associated with obamacare, what do I do ???

Well for one thing, If obama gets re-elected I would tell my workers that with 
costs going up, I will have to cut my workforce. Then I would tell them, that 
if obama does not get elected, and obamacare gets rescinded (That means 
erased as if it never happened), then I would be able to keep all the workers.

So it boils down to this. If obama gets re-elected, some of you will lose your jobs.
And conversely, if someone else gets elected and actually rescinds obamacare,
then I will be able to keep everyone and possibly add a few workers; maybe 
someone you can refer to me.

The choice is yours.

You decide when you vote Nov 6th.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The American Fall

The Arab nations -one by one - had an Arabian Spring to gain honest
representation of their freedoms from a dictator.

Is it time for Americans to rise up and demand freedom from this
dictatorial dictator in the guise of a President in an American Fall?

The Elections are Nov 6, 2012. Your freedom depends on who you vote for.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Straight Talk about 'the obama'

Lets look at the base of the obama followers.
They are mostly poor, ignorant about how business works, and
ignorant how the government works. And if you add in all the people
who were not legally allowed to vote but did vote, then you have
a part of the obama base. Then there is the people who are idealistic.
These idealistic people would starve to death in a more uncivilized world.

Liberals have beliefs of "shoud ofs" that can never to paid for. But they do not
allow balancing the budget to get in the way of their idealism. That is why our
debt is growing beyond the United States' ability to pay the interest on our debt
let alone paying down the principle.

Whatever party comes in, we will have tough times ahead. One party will bankrupt
the United States making misery for all. This could possibly bring down the entire
world economy causing wars and worse. The other party will rein in spending and
cause misery to many people but not all. The good news about this party is that
the United Staes can recover from their budget path and the world's economy will

The choice is not about idealism this time. It is about the debt, the US budget and
the ability of the private businesses to create jobs for all that want to work.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Friday, June 22, 2012

Soda bottlers' collusion

The soda bottlers say they are ALL reducing the size of their cans and bottles in
unison because they are saving their customers the calories.

Does anyone really believe this???

And isn't this price collusion??? I believe it is. And that is illegal.

They have reduced the amount of soda in a can and the soda makers are saving
the money by shorting the customer. The customer gets the shaft.

This is another form of inflation. We have to pay the same for less product.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Greece, New York's School Bus Monitor

As the Pendulum begins to return to center from the far left, we need to think about
re-capturing control from the children. We need to re-establish control over children.
When children act up, they need to be immediately corrected. If a child needs to be
spanked or held down to avoid further 'acting out' then we need to get back the
adult authority over children without fear of being sued by the child or the state.

Children do not have fully developed brains. That is a fact. Children have little
empathy and little understanding of their actions' consequences.That is why children need
to have their 'rights' limited back to where adults are in control. When a child acts up, an
adult needs to be able to immediately, right then and there, reprimand that child.

The child does not have rights when they act up. Even though they do not have the
ability to understand what they did wrong, children need to be controlled when they
step out of line.

We need to be parents of children - not their friends. This is or the best interest of
any child's growth. Children need to learn about limits and how their actions affect
other people.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Friday, June 15, 2012

The obama does it again

Don't we have an independent Congress anymore? What's with
this obama writing new laws from the executive office. The Office
of the President is supposed to be separate from Congress and the
Supreme Court. Watch out America. He is looking at disbanding
Congress and declaring obama-law. This will never happen. I
believe in our Constitution.

This immigration quasi-law that obama talked about today is nothing
more than  political campaign speech. If he really wanted to do this,
he could easily done this when the Democrats controlled both Houses

And today's obama speech was also a "two-fer". He also moved
attorney general's illegal activities off the front page for a few days.
Eric Holder needs to resign or be impeached immediately.

In my opinion, eric holder is a reverse racist. He is anti-caucasion and
pro black. He has demonstrated this over and over. And speaking of
racists, in my opinion, the obama is a rabid racists. Just look at what
he does and what he talks about and what he injects his words into.

This President had zero management experience and zero experience
of any kind except being able to deliver an effective speech. He is a fraud.
He need to be voted out.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Obama and the duck test

Let's look at the facts. Like Sherlock Holmes says, when you eliminate all the clues except one clue,
then that one clue - no matter what - is the answer.

When there are only a handful of people who are in the obama inner circle that know the info that
has been leaked and there is only one person to possible (in his eyes anyways) gain from the leaks,
then it comes down to one of obama's inner circle people that leaked the sensitive info.

ONE of those persons should be tried for TREASON and go to jail.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk With Jay Clifford.

Monday, June 4, 2012

OBAMA needs to go

Why is the Attorney-General Holder going to Wisconsin to "watch over" the election this Tuesday???
 It looks more like a what a dictator would do when he was trying to throw the election.

With only 20 mishaps of potential election fraud in over millions of voters, the incident is so low that it begs the question again - why should Eric Holder go to Wisconsin for the Tuesday election???

 This administration has corrupted our constitution so much that this administration thinks it is above the law. In fact in obama's own words, he said: "My congress" instead of the Congress of the United States. He is wrong! And he talks about HIS white House. Wrong again. It is the people's house. Obama is a free-rent occupant and nothing else.

And who really runs the White House. Not obama. It's more like Valery and Michelle. He only talks a good game with a script. But when the facts are in, and he has to talk without a script, you see the extremist and not-so-smart, unprepared-to-hold-any-office person. Je is a fake. He comes out of nowhere. His Harvard college application shows that he put his place of birth as Kenya not the United Sates of america.
Therefore, he should be disqualified as a President. You might even put obama on others on trial for TREASON.

I have never been more embarrassed by any President 0f the UNited States than I am of obama. And I was plenty embarrassed by Carter and Nixon. The sooner he leaves office the better for all ofAmerica and the world.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk by Jay Clifford.