In Germany, about 1936, the chancellor declared total control of all things in Germany and you had to swear allegiance to the new chancellor. Well fellow Americans, with obamacare there is no difference now than in Germany 1936. That's right! We have lost so many freedoms - THAT'S OUR FREEDOMS I'M TALKING ABOUT - in the last three years that I am scared. Scared that I will be taxed for not buying something. Scared that my religion will not be acceptable. scared that my healthcare will not now be as good and cost more than I can afford. Scared that my doctor told me that he will have to stop being a doctor because of obamacare. Scared that the government can lie to the people and get away with it. Then the government can bribe other congress persons to make them vote for a lie. (It's a TAX - not a penalty - GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD!) CONGRESS HAS CHEATED ALL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. That include the poor, the middle class, and the rich - everyone!
Whatever the news tells you, the truth - IT'S THE TRUTH YOU WILL READ HERE - is that 85% of all the USA citizens were happy with their health care. All that was needed was special legislation to take care of the remaining 15% who really needed help. BUT NOOOO! The congress had to make it worse for everyone including the 15% with A LIE in their new obamacare law.
We need to take obamacare back - ((That's called rescinding)) and replace it wIth something that takes care of the 15% that need the help PLUS making sure that people can change insurance companies without worrying about pre-existing conditions. And we need to get things that are not health related - like student loans - and the tax for not buying something - out of this BAD obamacare law.
How to do that??? First, we need to do TORT REFORM. What that means is to go against the lawyer's lobby. Tort reform will reduce the cost to doctors for special insurance they need to carry which can cost as much as $100,000 to $150,000 and more per year. No wonder the doctors are charging higher rates and no wonder doctors are leaving their profession. No wonder, there a fewer doctors being graduated today than ten years ago.
The second thing will help all USA citizens. Bring competition to the medical insurance premiums. Allow people to COMPARE AND BUY FROM ANY INSURANCE COMPANY ALL OVER THE USA. Stop the limits we place on citizens who can only buy from a few monopoly-like insurance companies within their state.
Third, we can do to the drug companies what other countries do to the drug companies. These other countries like England, France and Canada to name a few tell the drug companies the maximum amount they can charge these countries' citizens for drugs. There is still enough profit left over for the drug companies. NOW all Congress has to do is copy what these other countries are demanding from the drug companies.
That is so simple. Three simple things. Why hasn't this become law in the USA? Congress has to do its job. What are we paying congress and the president for. They are employees of the citizens of the USA; not there to 'steal' money from lobbys and make "front-end" stock purchases just before a new bill was about to become a law.
So simple - yet not done.
The people of the USA deserve more.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
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