Friday, July 6, 2012

The Color of a Bus

Have you seen the color of the two buses for Romney and Obama?

Mitt 's bus is Red, While and Blue

Obama's bus is Black

What can you read into the colors?

Mitt is patriotic.
Obama is racist or pro-black (not the President of all the people - just the black people.)

It is so very glaring!!!

And what has the President done for the black people? Nothing except widen the divide between the black people and the general population. Black people have a 14.4% unemployment rate. WHY? They have the same brains as everyone else. So it must be something else. If they vote for Obama in Nov, that shows you that the black populace are racists as a group. Last election 98% of black voters voted for Obama. Every other group was divided.

This President has made racism worse than when he came into office and he will make racism ever worse yet again if he gets re-elected. Then Obama will blame every other group for the plight of the black people. Further dividing the races. He seems to be a racist and a divider. Only been one other person in recent history that acted like Obama. And he killed or caused to be kill over 50,000,000 people all over the Earth by dividing people and causing one group to be against another group.

We need a Red, White and Blue President for everyone. A President that can bring the country together. A President that has a solid HISTORY of working with both sides of the aisle and HISTORY of getting legislation passed. A President who will make a "real" budget and get it passed by both houses of Congress. ((Something that the obama did not and could not do for three years.))

We need a change in the Presidency in November for the good of all the Citizens of the USA.

And we need to increase the number of Republicans in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Cliffprd

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