Obama screams in his preacher speak that Romney outsourced jobs at Bane Capital.
Didn't President Clinton sign the treaty that allowed outsourcing? And aren't most clothes and car parts made in countries other than the US? Sure they are. Without outsourcing, clothes and cars would be so expensive that no one with incomes below $80,000 could afford to buy them. Look at the labels on your clothes. I'll bet you that you might not see "made in the USA" more than once out of ten garments. And what about shoes. Anyone buy a pair of Niki shoes lately?
And what ABout GE. The obama hired the CEO of GE to "reach" American business on how to What???
GE pais zero federal taxes.
GE has 170,000 workers in other countries and only 130,000 American workers.
GE operates in 43 countries.
GE has hundreds of Millions of dollars overseas that GE will not being back to the USA.
So what will GE teach American business???
GE is an outsourcing king; and more than any other two or three American companies. And GE is proudly promoted b y the obama.
Why is the obama repeating this fact of life about universal outsourcing and saying it is terrible when Romney is doing it... but not when GE is doing it??? Does the obama really think the American people are that stupid???
Did you know that Romney CREATED over 10,000 NEW JOB with the creation of Staples! And ROMNEY either saved another 10,000 jobs or at lest extended this jobs which would have be gone without the Capital Romney invested to try to make these failing companies survive.
What has the obama done? Nothing but raise taxes on everyone with a health care program that will eventually bankrupt the USA. Oh Yeah! He is hiring over 16,000 IRS AGENTS to make sure you pay the increased taxes. With the obama, now you have a greater chance of being audited and definitely will pay more in taxes.
Tell the obama we see through his Bulls*@t and smoke screens.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.
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