Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How much of a liar can obama be!!!

For three and a half years, this obama never mentioned the middle class ONCE!!!

Now all of a sudden the words MIDDLE CLASS appear in every one of his speeches.

This obama snubbed Israel and never visited Israel. Now he's running for re-election with nothing to advocate and a terrible record to run on by saying he is now pro-Israel. Who is he kidding and how many Jews will fall for this smoke and mirrors!!!

All this obama cares about is getting dollars to get another 4 year vacation to complete the division of the United States of america.

Remember how the obama laughed when they talked about 'shovel ready jobs?' Are you laughing while 23,000000 Americans are out of work???

For me, this obama has not earned another term.

It is time to move obama out of office and put someone into the office of the Presidency who has experience governing and experience in the business world.

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