Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Where is obama hiding?

Today is September 11, 2012. SEPTEMBER 11TH, everyone!!!

Where is obama?

Two of our embassies are under siege.

Where is obama?

He is apologizing to the extremist muslims.


These extremists need to be dealt with - not apologized to.

Israel wants to meet with obama. Obama says no. WHY?
Because he is fund raising for his re-election.

Obama is failing the American people.

Obama needs to be replaced.

Replaced with someone who understand the world's political
movements and the real threat declared by these extremists radical jihadis.

These jihadis want to kill ALL infidels.

When asked the definition of an 'infidel', the answer was:
"anyone not a muslim."

That means it is OK for these extremists to kill any Jew or
any Christian or anyone who is not a muslim.

What does that mean? That means, in no uncertain terms,
these extremists want a muslim world and will kill anyone
who is not a muslim.

To me, that is just like when Hitler said he wanted to kill all the Jews
and no one took him at his word. SIX MILLION DEAD JEWS later,
and the world almost woke up to Hitler's words.

Now jihadists are telling the world they want to kill everyone who
is not a muslim. And I take them at their word.

So what do we do? Wait to be killed???

Or do we kill them before they kill us???

I prefer to kill them before they kill me.

What do you think?

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

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