Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Guns, Guns and More Guns

Our nation was built on guns.

The large amount of early rifles help the colonists to defeat the British.

Our ability to product guns has brought in Billions of dollars from other countries.

The One Reason Japan did not invade California after their bombing of Pearl Harbor was their understanding and fear that "Behind every American front door was a gun." This quote was taken from the journals of a Japan General.

The entire West was won with guns. Without guns, America would still be a small group of city-states hugging the east coast.

By outlawing guns, that leaves only the criminals, the police and the military with guns. The early founders were aware of what could happen when only the police and military have guns, That places every citizen at risk of a dictator taking over the USA.

We need to have guns to protect ourselves (the citizens) from criminals on a day to day basis.

WHAT we need are much tougher laws for anyone who commits a crime with a gun. There needs to be a mandatory 25 year hard-time prison term where the prisoners stay locked up 23 hours a day and cannot mingle with other prisoners. If they go crazy - screw them.

Right now, if a person kills another person with a gun, they get anywhere from 10 years to life. But that prison term means they get food, shelter, cable TV, exercise facilities, for nothing. We need to make prisons unbearable so no one will want to go to prison and no one will ever think of using a gun or
other weapon to 'hold-up', burglarize, rob, or kill another person.

Let's hear your thoughts . . .
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

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