How long can' the obama' lie to the public before the public catches on that
his only agenda is to destroy the USA.
Obama will not send a realistic budget to the Senate. His last budget was
rejected by every Senate and House member. Not one person voted for
the budget that obama created.
The House has sent a budget to the Senate every year. BUT the Senate will
not bring the House budget up for a vote. Then the Senate (Harry Reid) says
that they have not seen anything like a budget from the House. PURE LIES
Plus the Senate has yet to make a budget as required by law..
But, the Senate gets away with it while the spending goes up and up even though
the revenue has remained level and the USA continues to spend more than the
revenues it takes in.
EVERYONE KNOWS that when you repeatedly spend more than you make,
you eventually become BANKRUPT. That is the game the White House and
Senate are playing. They are telling lies to the American public. Lies that they
blame on the Republicans. TOTAL BULL. But the news never reports this
unless you listen to some of the FOX business reports and the liberal BBC.
In Germany 1930s, government found that if you repeat a lie often enough, then
the public will begin to believe the lie. And with no free press, a lie can be told
over and over by the government. That is what is happening with our news
It used to be that our news agencies would ask the tough questions and
investigate what was being done in Congress. That is not the case now.
The news agencies have become a spokesperson for the Democratic party.
You can actually count the number of PRO Democratic stories Versus the
number of PRO Republican stories and see a ratio of about 15 to 1.
And you can always count on the news to broadcast anything that seems to
be negative towards the Republican and never say anything negative about
the Democratic party. In my opinion and the opinion of any intelligent person,
that is bias reporting. Biased reporting means the public is being lied to.
What would be fair and best for the USA would be a FREE & UNBIASED PRESS.
the press is biased, you have dictators. That is the direction the press is
pointing the USA towards unless it becomes more neutral. Enough of the lies.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.
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