With 7 Billion people and growing, the resources of Earth are being strained.
We are cutting down "virgin" or 'ancient' forests. Why is this bad?
Because the forests do two things. The concentrate rain around the forests.
The forests provide OXYGEN to the world. AS we cut down old trees and
not replace these trees, there will be less and less oxygen in the air.
And trees hold vast amounts of carbon. Every tree that is burned or just
chopped down for lumber releases carbon back into the air. Carbon is the
one greenhouse gas that keeps heat inside Earth's atmosphere.
Farms are reaching their limits. Now we have to use all sorts of chemicals to
create the huge harvests. With less people demanding food, we could naturally
rotate crops to re-invigorate the soils.
Pollution caused by electricity companies without polution controls - companies
liker the raw coal burning electric companies in China - are throwing tons of carbon
into the atmosphere every hour. At least, we should get these electric plants to
reduce their carbon output with scrubbers. That would cut more then half their
carbon output.
By reducing the world's population to around 4 Billion people over a few generations,
we could reduce demand on the need for basic resources.
The downside is that if we reduce the population to quickly, many communities and
many businesses will disappear. With demand for all products down, business
would go thru one of the worst economic crisis ever. So we need to reduce gradually.
In two generations, the population could reduce by a quarter Billion people. That
would be a good start.
One last reason why we need to reduce the world's population. When Nature sees
over-crowding, it springs a new virus or plague on us. We are already seeing the
beginning of a new virus that is immune to all our anti-biotics.
The moral of this warning is: reduce population voluntary or the Earth will reduce our population for us.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.
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