All people want is a government that will make it easy to plan for business growth and purchases. And with
the tax hike due Jan 1, 2011, why would anyone hire a new employee??? Add to that the obama health care
law which is raising premiums and limiting services while raising taxes now for services that will not be
available until 2014, it's no wonder that many of my clients are dropping health care completely for all their
employees. The premiums are just to expensive.
There is hope yet.
First, the tax hikes might be averted if the Democrats see the reasoning and sense of keeping taxes low.
While not raising taxes will raise the deficit at first, the economy will grow under lower tax rates and produce
increased tax revenues.
Second, there will be a call to rescind the obama health care bill. That was what the November election was
mostly about. Maybe all if it will not be rescinded. Let's hope that some major "FLAWS" in the 2000+ page
law that nobody has read nor could understand will be changed to reduce increased government employees
and costs to the tax payers.
Third, let's hope that the new House of Representatives can get some of the newly hired government
employees fired and the rest can get their salaries down to a more reasonable level. Why should
government employees with all their special health care and privileges get paid more than people in
the general public who have none of those special privileges???
There is hope that the government may yet begin to work for the people instead of cramming laws down
our throats and then expecting to raise taxes to pay for these laws. That is not how a free government
should work.
Remember Nov 2012 and vote out the rest of the Democrats in the Senate and maintain the Republican
house majority. Let's hope that the Republicans and the Tea Party can get together and put up a candidate
that can win against the obama in 2012
Who has a rational and sane thought? Let's hear from you
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk With Jay Clifford.
Focusing on the news of the day with a focus on politics and the economy without any bias. Just Straight Talk through my eyes and from my experiences and history. Intelligent discussion Invited.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
What am I missing???
We have and will give Haiti $1,500,000,000.00 and there is nothing to show for it. The people are still
wondering around just like before the earthquake only now they are in tents. And we want to hand out more
money while we are FREEZING SOCIAL SECURITY PAYMENTS TO OUR SENIOR CITIZENS. Is that just stupid or is
there an anti-senior bias showing up in this???
And our aid to 'terrorists' countries like palistine is another several BILLION DOLLARS we are not giving to
our senior citizens.
Then there is the way we figure inflation. In my world, the following items have gone up in this year:
Every Vegetable
Heating oil
NAtural gas
Insurance premiums for auto, health, housing, and even medicare premiums
Real Estate Taxes
State Taxes
Sales Taxes
Medicines - over the counter and prescriptions
All these things make up a part of the expenses of a senior citizen as well as working people's expenses.
So why isn't the CPI (The Inflation Factor) going up???
The main reason is home prices. The second reason is home prices. And the third reason is home prices.
Home prices need to be taken out of the CPI, in my opinion.
BUT, Most seniors are living in a world where their cost of living will increase by anywhere from a minimum
of TEN PERCENT (10%) to TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT (25%). The government thinks it's OK to FREEZE the
That is absolutely UNAMERICAN. These congress persons need to get their priorities correct. The CITIZENS
I say reduce and eliminate foreign aid and give it to our citizens.
Does anyone beside me think that China and Japan need to step up their giving and increase their foreign aid ?
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk With Jay Clifford
We have and will give Haiti $1,500,000,000.00 and there is nothing to show for it. The people are still
wondering around just like before the earthquake only now they are in tents. And we want to hand out more
money while we are FREEZING SOCIAL SECURITY PAYMENTS TO OUR SENIOR CITIZENS. Is that just stupid or is
there an anti-senior bias showing up in this???
And our aid to 'terrorists' countries like palistine is another several BILLION DOLLARS we are not giving to
our senior citizens.
Then there is the way we figure inflation. In my world, the following items have gone up in this year:
Every Vegetable
Heating oil
NAtural gas
Insurance premiums for auto, health, housing, and even medicare premiums
Real Estate Taxes
State Taxes
Sales Taxes
Medicines - over the counter and prescriptions
All these things make up a part of the expenses of a senior citizen as well as working people's expenses.
So why isn't the CPI (The Inflation Factor) going up???
The main reason is home prices. The second reason is home prices. And the third reason is home prices.
Home prices need to be taken out of the CPI, in my opinion.
BUT, Most seniors are living in a world where their cost of living will increase by anywhere from a minimum
of TEN PERCENT (10%) to TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT (25%). The government thinks it's OK to FREEZE the
That is absolutely UNAMERICAN. These congress persons need to get their priorities correct. The CITIZENS
I say reduce and eliminate foreign aid and give it to our citizens.
Does anyone beside me think that China and Japan need to step up their giving and increase their foreign aid ?
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk With Jay Clifford
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Unions - pros and cons
When the Industrial Revolution was beginning, men with dreams and guts created industries. These industries ran on large amounts of labor. People would labor 12 hours a day for 6 days a week for their pay. And if they were not always working or came in late, they were docked pay. These were part of the working conditions.
Alone came some terrible tragedies - some accidents and mostly fires. Those were the events that gave rise to unions. Mine workers, mercantile laborers and later the factory laborers. Every death showed the flaws in managements style of running a company. People were replaceable and there were more people then jobs.
The laborer had no individual power. Prime ground to develop a union. At first unions fought for better working conditions and more reasonable pay with shorter hours. These concepts came directly out of the owner's profits. And these were the underlying and opposing factions with different agendas.
Move into todays world and unions for the most part have only one objective - to grow at any cost and to demand more of anything at any cost. While the owners (Now stockholders) and management have to show the stockholders a quarterly increase in profit.
Instead of reducing the difference between the highest hourly wage earner and the highest management, CEO, labor (Read the Unions) and management are at odds in how to make the most profit.
As a wage earner, why should they care about the profits of the company? For one reason, their jobs exist because there are profits. But the resentment between the people who make the products and the people who manage the workers just is too strong for a graceful and healthy co-existence. Step in the Unions and the lawyers for management.
Sometimes the unions go on strike. Nobody wins in this case. And sometimes the company goes under in a strike. Then all the workers and management lose their jobs. Personally, I find this end result the most outrageous event. People willing to argue until the death of the company and the loss of everyones' income.
In a more 'charitable world', there would be a limit to the difference between say the highest wage earner and the CEO. And everyone would know that difference. The hope would be that upper management would want to increase the highest wage rate to allow for higher salaries for management, Just does not work out that way.
WHY? Because there are usually many more wage earners than management. Do the math and you soon begin to realize why companies want to buy other companies.
For example: two companies with 200 and 350 employees each merge. The resultant company ends up with maybe 400 employees and only a few less number of management. BUT the savings from this example is the loss of 150 jobs. That means more revenue goes to the bottom line. The consumers who purchase the products of the new combined company get no savings - just the company's bottom line.
The result are bonuses for most of the management and 150 families without their breadwinner. And now the State will provide )at taxpayer's expense) unemployment compensation and food stamps.
The union workers on average make more than non-union laborers. But at a price of the productivity of any company. The union work rules stifle cooperation between job descriptions. You hear a lot of "It's not my area" in a union shop. Or you hear, "Hey! slow down. Are you trying to ruin it for everyone!"
In the end, unions are for the most part just as bad as the managements they oppose. They use their power to get more wages when they are already getting the highest wages in their industry. CTA (Chicago Transit Authority) has the highest wages in the entire industry, yet they demand higher wages. Teachers work less hours today with fewer students and produce poorer results than teachers in the 1950's. Teachers in the 1950 made the smallest profession salaries. Today, teachers make some of the highest salaries. YET, the teacher's union wants more pay and smaller class rooms without guaranteeing any improvement in graduating more student who can read and do simple math. In these cases, the unions have outlived their usefulness.
Now consider miners. The unions have a big part to play towards increasing safety in the mines.
The auto factories of yesterday had employee wage growth that destroyed the United States auto industry. Yet until the factories closed, the unions were fighting for higher salaries and benefits. Made no sense. And it drove the auto manufactures into foreign countries to produce the cars.
In summary, unions are good when safety issues need to be increased or wages are too low. Unions hurt the workers and the economy when their members begin to make too much compared to the cost of foreign production and shipping.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk With Jay Clifford
Alone came some terrible tragedies - some accidents and mostly fires. Those were the events that gave rise to unions. Mine workers, mercantile laborers and later the factory laborers. Every death showed the flaws in managements style of running a company. People were replaceable and there were more people then jobs.
The laborer had no individual power. Prime ground to develop a union. At first unions fought for better working conditions and more reasonable pay with shorter hours. These concepts came directly out of the owner's profits. And these were the underlying and opposing factions with different agendas.
Move into todays world and unions for the most part have only one objective - to grow at any cost and to demand more of anything at any cost. While the owners (Now stockholders) and management have to show the stockholders a quarterly increase in profit.
Instead of reducing the difference between the highest hourly wage earner and the highest management, CEO, labor (Read the Unions) and management are at odds in how to make the most profit.
As a wage earner, why should they care about the profits of the company? For one reason, their jobs exist because there are profits. But the resentment between the people who make the products and the people who manage the workers just is too strong for a graceful and healthy co-existence. Step in the Unions and the lawyers for management.
Sometimes the unions go on strike. Nobody wins in this case. And sometimes the company goes under in a strike. Then all the workers and management lose their jobs. Personally, I find this end result the most outrageous event. People willing to argue until the death of the company and the loss of everyones' income.
In a more 'charitable world', there would be a limit to the difference between say the highest wage earner and the CEO. And everyone would know that difference. The hope would be that upper management would want to increase the highest wage rate to allow for higher salaries for management, Just does not work out that way.
WHY? Because there are usually many more wage earners than management. Do the math and you soon begin to realize why companies want to buy other companies.
For example: two companies with 200 and 350 employees each merge. The resultant company ends up with maybe 400 employees and only a few less number of management. BUT the savings from this example is the loss of 150 jobs. That means more revenue goes to the bottom line. The consumers who purchase the products of the new combined company get no savings - just the company's bottom line.
The result are bonuses for most of the management and 150 families without their breadwinner. And now the State will provide )at taxpayer's expense) unemployment compensation and food stamps.
The union workers on average make more than non-union laborers. But at a price of the productivity of any company. The union work rules stifle cooperation between job descriptions. You hear a lot of "It's not my area" in a union shop. Or you hear, "Hey! slow down. Are you trying to ruin it for everyone!"
In the end, unions are for the most part just as bad as the managements they oppose. They use their power to get more wages when they are already getting the highest wages in their industry. CTA (Chicago Transit Authority) has the highest wages in the entire industry, yet they demand higher wages. Teachers work less hours today with fewer students and produce poorer results than teachers in the 1950's. Teachers in the 1950 made the smallest profession salaries. Today, teachers make some of the highest salaries. YET, the teacher's union wants more pay and smaller class rooms without guaranteeing any improvement in graduating more student who can read and do simple math. In these cases, the unions have outlived their usefulness.
Now consider miners. The unions have a big part to play towards increasing safety in the mines.
The auto factories of yesterday had employee wage growth that destroyed the United States auto industry. Yet until the factories closed, the unions were fighting for higher salaries and benefits. Made no sense. And it drove the auto manufactures into foreign countries to produce the cars.
In summary, unions are good when safety issues need to be increased or wages are too low. Unions hurt the workers and the economy when their members begin to make too much compared to the cost of foreign production and shipping.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk With Jay Clifford
Friday, October 8, 2010
What is a Republican
Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican. His platform was in part about limited government and state's rights.
And he was fiscally conservative. Right out of the frontier mid-west, the Republican party won against the "Whigs" and the Democratic parties; just like today with the Tea Party who are trying to re-establish conservative values back into politics while strengthening states rights. Limited government is another trade mark of Republicans and the Tea Party.
Why is that good? The power to tax is mighty tempting to CHEAT. Think about the recent obama health care bill.
There was not enough votes to pass it. SO what did the government with part of the 787 BILLION bail-out funds do? The government used OUR MONEY TO BRIBE CONGRESSPERSONS TO CHANGE THEIR VOTE TO A YES. They did this in secret. Remember the cameras watching Senator's reed's closed door where all the Democrats were being bribed behind closed doors without any transparency. (Another major obama lie)
I'll bet a lot of the 787 BILLION (which still has Billions unaccounted for) is being used to fund Democratic November races. This is called a SLUSH FUND made up of our money being used to encourage "takers" to vote for continuing the obama 'change'. (Taking from the workers to pay for the slackers)
And what is that change looking like??? Let's see. Government now control the finance part of our economy - that's the banks and brokerages. Government now controls two car companies with more than a hint that they will allow a Chinese company to take over one of OUR CAR Companies. Imagine. We just borrowed Billions and Billions to shore up our car companies to allow a foreign company to reap the profits. And not just any foreign country. It's the country that has RIGGED IT CURRENCY SO THAT THE UNITED STATES NOW OWES CHINA BILLIONS AND BILLIONS IN BALANCE OF PAYMENTS BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES. This is an outrage!!!
So would a Republican do any of this? No No NO!. A republican wants smaller government and less control of the economy. That way, the economy is free to grow organically the way it has since the first settlements landed here.
The Republicans want fiscal and personal responsibility of every citizen. That means every citizen needs to speak American English, pay their taxes and obey the laws. Of course Republican understand that "things" happen to people and that is why Republicans give to charity four to one compared to Democrats. (IRS statistics)
There is no such thing as a 'free' lunch. Somebody, somehow has to pay for the 'free' lunch. When you give money, food stamps, health care for 'free', somebody has to pay for it. It's only 'free' to the people who are on the receiving end. That money comes out of a general tax revenue fund.
Now if the general tax revenue fund could increase, then more money could be available for "free" items like
social security and health care. BUT, even Greece is becoming more fiscally responsible than the obama budget busting plan. Did I say "obama budget?" I must of mis-spoke. The Democrats did not create a budget this year. Why? Because they were too scared that the true numbers would scare everyone to vote out the Democrats this Nov 2 election.
So what is a Republican? Someone with Fiscal and Conservative Values who believes that the citizens know best how to grow the economy and who want to reduce the size of the government and it's budget.
Which person is the better citizen? - being a taker or the one paying taxes?
Next topic - UNIONS - pros & cons
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
And he was fiscally conservative. Right out of the frontier mid-west, the Republican party won against the "Whigs" and the Democratic parties; just like today with the Tea Party who are trying to re-establish conservative values back into politics while strengthening states rights. Limited government is another trade mark of Republicans and the Tea Party.
Why is that good? The power to tax is mighty tempting to CHEAT. Think about the recent obama health care bill.
There was not enough votes to pass it. SO what did the government with part of the 787 BILLION bail-out funds do? The government used OUR MONEY TO BRIBE CONGRESSPERSONS TO CHANGE THEIR VOTE TO A YES. They did this in secret. Remember the cameras watching Senator's reed's closed door where all the Democrats were being bribed behind closed doors without any transparency. (Another major obama lie)
I'll bet a lot of the 787 BILLION (which still has Billions unaccounted for) is being used to fund Democratic November races. This is called a SLUSH FUND made up of our money being used to encourage "takers" to vote for continuing the obama 'change'. (Taking from the workers to pay for the slackers)
And what is that change looking like??? Let's see. Government now control the finance part of our economy - that's the banks and brokerages. Government now controls two car companies with more than a hint that they will allow a Chinese company to take over one of OUR CAR Companies. Imagine. We just borrowed Billions and Billions to shore up our car companies to allow a foreign company to reap the profits. And not just any foreign country. It's the country that has RIGGED IT CURRENCY SO THAT THE UNITED STATES NOW OWES CHINA BILLIONS AND BILLIONS IN BALANCE OF PAYMENTS BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES. This is an outrage!!!
So would a Republican do any of this? No No NO!. A republican wants smaller government and less control of the economy. That way, the economy is free to grow organically the way it has since the first settlements landed here.
The Republicans want fiscal and personal responsibility of every citizen. That means every citizen needs to speak American English, pay their taxes and obey the laws. Of course Republican understand that "things" happen to people and that is why Republicans give to charity four to one compared to Democrats. (IRS statistics)
There is no such thing as a 'free' lunch. Somebody, somehow has to pay for the 'free' lunch. When you give money, food stamps, health care for 'free', somebody has to pay for it. It's only 'free' to the people who are on the receiving end. That money comes out of a general tax revenue fund.
Now if the general tax revenue fund could increase, then more money could be available for "free" items like
social security and health care. BUT, even Greece is becoming more fiscally responsible than the obama budget busting plan. Did I say "obama budget?" I must of mis-spoke. The Democrats did not create a budget this year. Why? Because they were too scared that the true numbers would scare everyone to vote out the Democrats this Nov 2 election.
So what is a Republican? Someone with Fiscal and Conservative Values who believes that the citizens know best how to grow the economy and who want to reduce the size of the government and it's budget.
Which person is the better citizen? - being a taker or the one paying taxes?
Next topic - UNIONS - pros & cons
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
Republican's-Tea Party Values
Sunday, September 26, 2010
What is a Liberal?
Image by Lincolnian (Brian) via Flickr
In all recorded history people would form groups. One man would become the "alpha" male and one woman would become the "alpha" woman. From these two people all the descending levels of hierarchy would form. The larger the group the more levels. And as the Alpha male and female became old or died, other males and females would attempt to overthrow the Alpha male and female. OK this is fact.
Let's move along to the beginning of civilizations. From the beginning, these civilizations were built on similar hierarchy with levels of "upper class" the land owners and whose power came form the Alpha male - the newly forming middle class made up of merchants, tradespeople, farmers and artisans - and the rest of the people made up of house servants, slaves and beggars. OK there will be particular people that do not fall into one of these categories. But they are for the most part one-of-a-kind people. We are interested in generalized groups and classes of people. Were there any Liberals in this group? Probably not. Were there people who opposed the people in power? Probably yes.
Can we fix a label on those people who opposed the people above them in power, money or status. In my opinion - no.
Now let's move to around 1200 AD in England. There was a growing number of higher level, land-owners who were beginning to feel like they "deserved more latitude" in their lives and resented tithing to the king. This then, in my opinion, was a group of people who were the grandchildren who fought to gain their position. These newly rich, without having to sacrifice for their riches, were beginning to demand a bit of independence from the king. In fact, they banded together to force the King of England to sign the "Magna Carta" which guaranteed certain liberties to these grandchildren. Everyone should read the document. Go here to read it ...
This document set in motion the beginning of Liberalism. You are encouraged to comment on this after reading the document.
Nothing much changed until the Revolution Was between the Colonies and England. And by then, there were many Liberals who voiced their opposing opinion to independence. Yep, even back then, there were Liberals who wanted to be taken care of and not upset the apple cart for a better cause. Mostly these Liberals were well-off merchants with more to lose financially from war then to keep the 'status-quo'. Those persons who felt 'put-upon' and taken advantage of by the King of England wanted independence. So how would you define Liberal at this time period?
This class warfare would continue until today. How do you define Liberals today? Well there are no Liberals in the foxhole - at least live ones. Therefore, there are no Liberals in the active armed forces. Yes many persons in the armed forces have various ideas. But when you interview returning soldiers, you get a sense they understand why we are fighting a war today.
So that brings us to the people at home. Maybe they can define what it means to be Liberal. They say Liberal people are for helping other people. BUT Conservatives out-give charity six to one versus the Liberal population.
SO that can't be how to define Liberals.
What about religion. Seems to me that more Conservatives are church going that Liberals. The popular movement for Liberals today is to remove GOD from the populace. To me, religion should never be included in politics but it is a fact of today's political climate. To me Church and State should never mix. But I digress.
Liberals, to me, seem to be made up of several groups. The obvious group is those persons wanting a hand-out and never willing to sacrifice for the charity given to them. There are third generation families on welfare producing babies at an alarming rate. WHY? In there own words: "I tried working but why spend 40 hours a week plus commuting time when I can get more money from welfare by doing nothing." YES, Those are the exact words from an interview shown on TV a while back on several news programs.
Then there are the young people who though they may be intelligent, do not have a fully formed brain. That's a medical fact. People's brains are fully developed from age 24 to 28 and not sooner. People younger that 24 just do not have the ability to evaluate life in the same way as people in their 40's and older. So these younger people are idealistic. And many of them are stubborn so when the age, they continue to maintain their 'value-system' well into their senior years.
How does that account for the millions f Liberals who are working and living basically a 'normal' life. My opinion is that they are from mostly working class stock - semi-professional - trades - businesspeople. Can you imagine a 45 year old union worker who owes his entire life-style to the ability of a union to maintain his employment voting against the union. Never! That is why the unions today are demanding that we get rid of one of our basic "Rights" by eliminating the secret ballot. That way union people can make life hell for anyone who votes against the union. Self-serving? You bet!
But unions do have a place in today's world. It's just that senior management just keeps sucking way to much salary for the little work they preform. In my opinion, if there was a cap between the highest officer of any company with union members and the highest union paid worker, that would go a long way towards resolving the differences between management and workers. And to me that means more reduction in senior management's pay than raising worker's pay. After all there is a profit that at the end of the day needs to be made to keep the business going.
So how do we define Liberals today? They are mostly unemployed, low wage earners, under-educated with a mix of over-educated professors who have never experienced anything in the workplace, the young people and the grandchildren of people who have a comfortable life for their family and descendants.
What do you think?
Next topic - What is a Conservative
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
Friday, September 24, 2010
TODAY WE ARE WITNESSING what happened in the mid-1800's when a new party called the Republicans put up an unknown candidate - Abraham Lincoln.
The TEA PARTY is now doing exactly the same thing on mostly the same issue. Smaller government and states rights. It's time the Republican party joined forces with the TEA PARTY to win over congress. Then congress can pass as many bills without any Democrats. Then congress can rescind the obama health care law and bring spending back to 2008 levels.
Heck - any manager can wring out 5% or 10% or even 15% or waste in their budget. Cut the fat. Reduce the government employee roles. Keep taxes at the same level as today. And they can do this without any reduction in
OK some pet projects will be placed on hold. And some companies that do business with the government will lose revenue for a year or two. BUT the majority of government job reduction will reduce the obama patronage job bloating - a common way to maintain power in Chicago, IL.
By reducing jobs and rescinding and re-working the health care package, the United States can again get it's financial house in order. And that will be good for everyone - not just the Democrats who took bribes for their votes.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
The TEA PARTY is now doing exactly the same thing on mostly the same issue. Smaller government and states rights. It's time the Republican party joined forces with the TEA PARTY to win over congress. Then congress can pass as many bills without any Democrats. Then congress can rescind the obama health care law and bring spending back to 2008 levels.
Heck - any manager can wring out 5% or 10% or even 15% or waste in their budget. Cut the fat. Reduce the government employee roles. Keep taxes at the same level as today. And they can do this without any reduction in
OK some pet projects will be placed on hold. And some companies that do business with the government will lose revenue for a year or two. BUT the majority of government job reduction will reduce the obama patronage job bloating - a common way to maintain power in Chicago, IL.
By reducing jobs and rescinding and re-working the health care package, the United States can again get it's financial house in order. And that will be good for everyone - not just the Democrats who took bribes for their votes.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Jobs - Jobs - Where are the Jobs ?
The statistics show 9.6% unemployed. That number is unreal. My figure is more like 18% to 19%. Consider all the people who have run out of benefits. They are not figured in the unemployment figures. And people who lost great jobs are now in significantly lower paying jobs. Net result = low disposable income. With consumer sales driving one-third of our economy, this is a road to ruin.
So where are the jobs? For a quick answer look in your driveway. Is the car an American car? Come on people, if we stop buying American cars, the three car companies will go out of business. There has to be an American car choice for every foreign car available. Only snobbery is driving the foreign car market. The lose of sales in American cars is directly related to the loss of jobs. And for every car manufacturing job lost, 5 additional job -at least- are lost in supporting the car companies.
Where are jobs? They have been transferred to lower wage countries. First it was Mexico. Then Mexicans began complaining that their jobs were being transferred to China. Sure Chine has gained big time in all this transferring of jobs. But now the Chinese are complaining that their jobs are moving to Indonesia or India. Don't look away too fast. Africa is a huge source of possible low wage workers.
So where are the jobs. Back in the Clinton Presidency, he signed a bill to limit or dissolve tariffs between nations and for world wide free trade. Then our congress did nothing to create an extra tax burden on US based corporations that transfer their manufacturing operations out of the USA.
So where are the jobs? They have been exported to low wage countries.
We need to figure out how to create jobs in America. There is a sneaker company in the east coast that makes all its gym shoes in the USA. I am looking for the name of that company and I will then only buy my sneakers from that company. I strongly urge all Americans to support that company. I will identify that company's name later so you might support their products. They are competitive in style, function and price. ONLY snobbery will drive Americans to buy sneakers made in foreign countries. Look for that company name in my next blog.
Next time you buy anything, check for the "Made in _______" label. And buy an alternative product that says: "MADE IN THE USA."
And that's they way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
So where are the jobs? For a quick answer look in your driveway. Is the car an American car? Come on people, if we stop buying American cars, the three car companies will go out of business. There has to be an American car choice for every foreign car available. Only snobbery is driving the foreign car market. The lose of sales in American cars is directly related to the loss of jobs. And for every car manufacturing job lost, 5 additional job -at least- are lost in supporting the car companies.
Where are jobs? They have been transferred to lower wage countries. First it was Mexico. Then Mexicans began complaining that their jobs were being transferred to China. Sure Chine has gained big time in all this transferring of jobs. But now the Chinese are complaining that their jobs are moving to Indonesia or India. Don't look away too fast. Africa is a huge source of possible low wage workers.
So where are the jobs. Back in the Clinton Presidency, he signed a bill to limit or dissolve tariffs between nations and for world wide free trade. Then our congress did nothing to create an extra tax burden on US based corporations that transfer their manufacturing operations out of the USA.
So where are the jobs? They have been exported to low wage countries.
We need to figure out how to create jobs in America. There is a sneaker company in the east coast that makes all its gym shoes in the USA. I am looking for the name of that company and I will then only buy my sneakers from that company. I strongly urge all Americans to support that company. I will identify that company's name later so you might support their products. They are competitive in style, function and price. ONLY snobbery will drive Americans to buy sneakers made in foreign countries. Look for that company name in my next blog.
Next time you buy anything, check for the "Made in _______" label. And buy an alternative product that says: "MADE IN THE USA."
And that's they way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
September 11th - Never Forget
Today I remember the 3000+ innocent people who died at the hands of terrorists muslims.
Imagine for a moment the wind rushing past you and the floors crashing down on you as you try to escape from the falling World Trade Centers Towers. You can only go so fast because there are thousands of people all trying to escape at the same time. Thousands will get out and thousands will not.
This is the worst attack on America since Pearl Harbor. And this attack must be avenged with the death of every terrorist in all the world or we will never be safe!
They say forgiveness relieves the soul. BUT I SAY "NEVER FORGET". Keep being angry. Keep focused on killing every last terrorists everywhere. Someday, one terrorist might explode him/herself in the midst of a crowd that you or your loved ones are in. You or they will die a horrible death and those who are affected by your loss will suffer for the rest of their lives.
E-mail me at for a JPG you will want to have - there is no charge - virus free.
Never Forget - they attacked us - we are at war!
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
Imagine for a moment the wind rushing past you and the floors crashing down on you as you try to escape from the falling World Trade Centers Towers. You can only go so fast because there are thousands of people all trying to escape at the same time. Thousands will get out and thousands will not.
This is the worst attack on America since Pearl Harbor. And this attack must be avenged with the death of every terrorist in all the world or we will never be safe!
They say forgiveness relieves the soul. BUT I SAY "NEVER FORGET". Keep being angry. Keep focused on killing every last terrorists everywhere. Someday, one terrorist might explode him/herself in the midst of a crowd that you or your loved ones are in. You or they will die a horrible death and those who are affected by your loss will suffer for the rest of their lives.
E-mail me at for a JPG you will want to have - there is no charge - virus free.
Never Forget - they attacked us - we are at war!
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
Friday, September 10, 2010
September 11, a day that lives in infamy
When I think of September 11th, I remember the shock that the entire country felt. The moment when Every Citizen wanted to strike back as one. When everyone felt they were attacked as a nation. The days lingered on and the smoke finally cleared. We were angry. And that anger still persists today but not as much as it should.
When I hear that the muslims want to build a mosque in a building that the landing gear of one of the planes that crashed into the twin towers fell through the roof, I get angry all over again. It's not just the families that are insulted by the idea of building the muslim mosque ON GROUND ZERO, it's everyone who remembers the horrible shock that the United States of America was attacked in a cowardly way.
And the name of the mosque shows that they are using the mosque as a symbol of victory over the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. muslims alway build a mosque on the grounds of their victories. Look at Jerusalem. Look at Spain. Look at Turkey. All have mosques build on the site of their victories. Now they want to build a mosque on GROUND ZERO. I say never. And all citizens must understand what they are trying to do. The muslims are trying to change the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTO A MUSLIM TYPE COUNTRY WITH MUSLIM RULES AND TRADITIONS.
One group in particular should be shouting from everywhere and demanding that muslims learn to stop being cowardly chauvinists and allow women the identical freedom that men have. Isn't there a women's organization that stands for women's freedom? Why are they so quiet. Quiet will bring problems. You need to be shouting at all yourt congresspersons and telling them how you feel anoub muslim ways
Terrorists are by definition cowards. They strike from ambush. They slaughter innocents for mass effect. Terrorists need to be eliminated not jailed. They need to be hunted down like the dogs they are and killed anyway we can kill them and then bury them under their shoes.
I for one cannot understand why the unions do not stand up and say they will not block the building of a muslim mosque anywhere near GROUND ZERO.. The unions have the power. They can block any project they set out to block. Union membership needs to stand up as one and denounce the building of this mosque.
When the USA was attacked in Pearl Harbor in 1941, the nation rose to fight the enemy. We have an enemy now. It's called el quida and the government of iran. And if we have to kill others that are being used to protect the terrorists, then that is the price those people pay for not finding a way to tell the USA that the enemy is in their homes or villages. Sometimes in WAR --- and make do doubt that we are at war --- innocent people get killed. And we justify that by making sure that we kill every last terrorists.
The world cannot live in peace as long as there are terrorists. And SEPTEMBER 11TH IS A calling cry to avenge the attack on the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight talk with Jay Clifford.
When I hear that the muslims want to build a mosque in a building that the landing gear of one of the planes that crashed into the twin towers fell through the roof, I get angry all over again. It's not just the families that are insulted by the idea of building the muslim mosque ON GROUND ZERO, it's everyone who remembers the horrible shock that the United States of America was attacked in a cowardly way.
And the name of the mosque shows that they are using the mosque as a symbol of victory over the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. muslims alway build a mosque on the grounds of their victories. Look at Jerusalem. Look at Spain. Look at Turkey. All have mosques build on the site of their victories. Now they want to build a mosque on GROUND ZERO. I say never. And all citizens must understand what they are trying to do. The muslims are trying to change the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTO A MUSLIM TYPE COUNTRY WITH MUSLIM RULES AND TRADITIONS.
One group in particular should be shouting from everywhere and demanding that muslims learn to stop being cowardly chauvinists and allow women the identical freedom that men have. Isn't there a women's organization that stands for women's freedom? Why are they so quiet. Quiet will bring problems. You need to be shouting at all yourt congresspersons and telling them how you feel anoub muslim ways
Terrorists are by definition cowards. They strike from ambush. They slaughter innocents for mass effect. Terrorists need to be eliminated not jailed. They need to be hunted down like the dogs they are and killed anyway we can kill them and then bury them under their shoes.
I for one cannot understand why the unions do not stand up and say they will not block the building of a muslim mosque anywhere near GROUND ZERO.. The unions have the power. They can block any project they set out to block. Union membership needs to stand up as one and denounce the building of this mosque.
When the USA was attacked in Pearl Harbor in 1941, the nation rose to fight the enemy. We have an enemy now. It's called el quida and the government of iran. And if we have to kill others that are being used to protect the terrorists, then that is the price those people pay for not finding a way to tell the USA that the enemy is in their homes or villages. Sometimes in WAR --- and make do doubt that we are at war --- innocent people get killed. And we justify that by making sure that we kill every last terrorists.
The world cannot live in peace as long as there are terrorists. And SEPTEMBER 11TH IS A calling cry to avenge the attack on the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight talk with Jay Clifford.
Monday, September 6, 2010
obama's legacy
Nineteen months ago obama said it was Bush's deficit. But did we hear that President Bush had a Democrat congress. And only by compromising did President Bush get any law or budget past. Then, so the Bush deficit really was a Democratic deficit under a Democratic pelosi-reed congress. And the deficit nineteen months ago had quadrupled under the Democratic congress and obama.
Why does obama still blame the Bush Presidency for the problems his party created for the last 9.7 years?
Isn't it time for the no-action President to step up to the plate and forget about race, bribing congresspersons to get their votes and socialism and think how he can best serve ALL the citizens of the USA instead of offending our allies and bowing to a muslim thug-king???
The next two years with a obama President and a Republican congress will provide for grid-lock. And that's good. Just like the grid-lock under President Clinton, no more wasteful and pork spending will be passed into law. The congress will pass a bill and obama will veto it. That is the best news yet. Then the business people will think that they can start to plan for their growth instead of hoarding the cash and afraid of hiring anyone because of the terrifying possibilities that could come from a Democratic congress and a Democratic Presidency.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
Why does obama still blame the Bush Presidency for the problems his party created for the last 9.7 years?
Isn't it time for the no-action President to step up to the plate and forget about race, bribing congresspersons to get their votes and socialism and think how he can best serve ALL the citizens of the USA instead of offending our allies and bowing to a muslim thug-king???
The next two years with a obama President and a Republican congress will provide for grid-lock. And that's good. Just like the grid-lock under President Clinton, no more wasteful and pork spending will be passed into law. The congress will pass a bill and obama will veto it. That is the best news yet. Then the business people will think that they can start to plan for their growth instead of hoarding the cash and afraid of hiring anyone because of the terrifying possibilities that could come from a Democratic congress and a Democratic Presidency.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
Saturday, August 21, 2010
obama and the Chicago Way
What is the Chicago Way. My experience shows its based on patronage. Hire as many workers as you can and tell them that their job is dependent on you getting elected. Then. constantly hire new workers in every department. Then, create new departments. All those patronage jobs are completely dependent on you getting re-elected. Lastly, raise all types of local taxes to pay for the raises these patronage workers get. And many of these workers do not have to work a full day.
In Chicago, when there were real news reporters ((unlike today's quasi-reporters)), there would be the daily exposure of workers sleeping on the job or spending their time anywhere but at work. But these reporters for some reason were slowly removed. Maybe pressure from the political officials? Or maybe the TV stations just got feed up with the constant negative reporting. Whatever the reason, there is only the political bosses reporting about corruption when it best served their interest to help get them re-elected.
Another Chicago Way is to either harass or eliminate your opponents. Being the business center of Al Capone, you get my drift.
Another famous Chicago Way is to have closed-door or back-door deals. A group of politicians meet secretly and make deals which partly do something and partly pay themselves and their friends or supporters
Does this sound familiar ??? Really think! This sounds familiar to me.
It should sound familiar. Just look at what is happening with our government. The number of government workers has significantly increased. The number of new departments has significantly increased. The wages of government workers is now greater then the public sector's wages. And there is more. There is plenty of harassment to anyone who does not abide by the obama way. And the health care system is filled with back-door deals for all types of obama supporters. Not saying that health care reform wasn't needed. It just was SOLD with bribes to many congresspersons and union people. That left out all the people who were perfectly happy with their health care programs and now are beginning to see their health care premiums go up by 10% - 14% - 18% and more. And the new taxes coming January 1, 2011 will go where??? Mostly to pay for all the bribes that were passed out to get congresspersons to vote for the health care bill. And the official governmental budgeting department now says that the health care law will cost more then they originally said. They blame the extra loss on not receiving enough accurate information from the obama camp. Information that the obama camp had before the bill was passed. That's another Chicago Way. Leave off anything or any information that gets in your way.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
In Chicago, when there were real news reporters ((unlike today's quasi-reporters)), there would be the daily exposure of workers sleeping on the job or spending their time anywhere but at work. But these reporters for some reason were slowly removed. Maybe pressure from the political officials? Or maybe the TV stations just got feed up with the constant negative reporting. Whatever the reason, there is only the political bosses reporting about corruption when it best served their interest to help get them re-elected.
Another Chicago Way is to either harass or eliminate your opponents. Being the business center of Al Capone, you get my drift.
Another famous Chicago Way is to have closed-door or back-door deals. A group of politicians meet secretly and make deals which partly do something and partly pay themselves and their friends or supporters
Does this sound familiar ??? Really think! This sounds familiar to me.
It should sound familiar. Just look at what is happening with our government. The number of government workers has significantly increased. The number of new departments has significantly increased. The wages of government workers is now greater then the public sector's wages. And there is more. There is plenty of harassment to anyone who does not abide by the obama way. And the health care system is filled with back-door deals for all types of obama supporters. Not saying that health care reform wasn't needed. It just was SOLD with bribes to many congresspersons and union people. That left out all the people who were perfectly happy with their health care programs and now are beginning to see their health care premiums go up by 10% - 14% - 18% and more. And the new taxes coming January 1, 2011 will go where??? Mostly to pay for all the bribes that were passed out to get congresspersons to vote for the health care bill. And the official governmental budgeting department now says that the health care law will cost more then they originally said. They blame the extra loss on not receiving enough accurate information from the obama camp. Information that the obama camp had before the bill was passed. That's another Chicago Way. Leave off anything or any information that gets in your way.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Population growth & JOBS
No one wants to admit it BUT the can support only so many people. Once a"Critical mass" is reached, some disease will lower the population 'naturally.' And if great achievements in medicine put off that time for another decade or century, then the disaster will be that much greater.
Now the Democrats want the extra population - specially the poor, needy and those wanting"Social justice" '. So they will never vote to restrict growth"
And the Republicans do not want any form of Birth_control", so they will never vote for restriction population growth.
The last thing I want to do is praise China with all its terrible Civil_and_political_rights" problems. BUT the 'one family - one child' law has kept China from a population explosion. And it will continue to shrink in population over the next century. This has allowed the children to get the parental attention they deserve; and reduces the strain on food production; and reduces all the residual needs that a growing population demands of its country.
That leaves the poor everywhere and "India" which are all growing at too high a rate. Don't get me wrong. I am not against the poor having babies. It's just that in time past, these families would only bring about 1 or 2 babies to child bearing tears and lived only 35 to 40 years. Today's medicine changes the statistics. Now when a poor family has 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or more babies, most of them grow up to child bearing age and have babies themselves.
We see it in. Teenagers are having babies who have babies as teenagers. Sometimes there are 5 or 6 generations living together. The children definitely do not get the care they need. And who pays for this? Social Services - OK yours and my Federal taxes. The over-crowding in the schools with children raised by children causes so many problems that its a blog in and of itself.
Then there is all these children wanting jobs at some time. The current estimate is about 86,000 children enter ((OR want to enter)) the job market EVERY WEEK. Even in the best of times, this is impossible. There job isn't that many jobs to go around. Worst is that most of the 86,000 new job seekers do not even have a "High school" diploma. Who wants to hire them? Walmart - Grocery stores - moving companies - political assignments - etc. Even these jobs have an upper limit.
And lastly, there is the need for fresh water and food for all these people.
We well eventually come a time when the Earth will not support this fast population growth. We need to address this today all over the world.
ANd that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
Now the Democrats want the extra population - specially the poor, needy and those wanting"Social justice" '. So they will never vote to restrict growth"
And the Republicans do not want any form of Birth_control", so they will never vote for restriction population growth.
The last thing I want to do is praise China with all its terrible Civil_and_political_rights" problems. BUT the 'one family - one child' law has kept China from a population explosion. And it will continue to shrink in population over the next century. This has allowed the children to get the parental attention they deserve; and reduces the strain on food production; and reduces all the residual needs that a growing population demands of its country.
That leaves the poor everywhere and "India" which are all growing at too high a rate. Don't get me wrong. I am not against the poor having babies. It's just that in time past, these families would only bring about 1 or 2 babies to child bearing tears and lived only 35 to 40 years. Today's medicine changes the statistics. Now when a poor family has 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or more babies, most of them grow up to child bearing age and have babies themselves.
We see it in. Teenagers are having babies who have babies as teenagers. Sometimes there are 5 or 6 generations living together. The children definitely do not get the care they need. And who pays for this? Social Services - OK yours and my Federal taxes. The over-crowding in the schools with children raised by children causes so many problems that its a blog in and of itself.
Then there is all these children wanting jobs at some time. The current estimate is about 86,000 children enter ((OR want to enter)) the job market EVERY WEEK. Even in the best of times, this is impossible. There job isn't that many jobs to go around. Worst is that most of the 86,000 new job seekers do not even have a "High school" diploma. Who wants to hire them? Walmart - Grocery stores - moving companies - political assignments - etc. Even these jobs have an upper limit.
And lastly, there is the need for fresh water and food for all these people.
We well eventually come a time when the Earth will not support this fast population growth. We need to address this today all over the world.
ANd that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
This is not about civil rights in my opinion. This is about a 10% sub-set of humanity that is demanding not that we accept them but that we change the rules for the other 90% who are not gay. There was a vote. And about 7,000,000+ people voted that "MARRIAGE" is between a MAN and a WOMAN.
If gay people want to marry, let them have the wonderful ceremony, exchange rings and swear they will be faithful. Then they can apply for a 'civil' arrangement which does exactly the same thing as when a man and a woman get married.
Two last issues.
1) What does it say to the public citizens when they overwhelmingly vote one way and one official just contradicts what they voted for??? Why should anyone ever want to vote if that is allowed to happen???
2) If 2 men or 2 woman are allowed to marry, what about 3 woman and 2 men??? That allows a Mormon man to marry 8 women. Didn't we say that was just wrong in this day and age??? . Maybe (crudely) a man and his sheep
will be allowed to marry.
Once the ONE MAN+ONE WOMAN concept of marriage is destroyed, then all civil rulings will become meaningless.
And that's the way I see it.
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
If gay people want to marry, let them have the wonderful ceremony, exchange rings and swear they will be faithful. Then they can apply for a 'civil' arrangement which does exactly the same thing as when a man and a woman get married.
Two last issues.
1) What does it say to the public citizens when they overwhelmingly vote one way and one official just contradicts what they voted for??? Why should anyone ever want to vote if that is allowed to happen???
2) If 2 men or 2 woman are allowed to marry, what about 3 woman and 2 men??? That allows a Mormon man to marry 8 women. Didn't we say that was just wrong in this day and age??? . Maybe (crudely) a man and his sheep
will be allowed to marry.
Once the ONE MAN+ONE WOMAN concept of marriage is destroyed, then all civil rulings will become meaningless.
And that's the way I see it.
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Coincidences or behind-the-door trading
Has anyone thought about these series of events:
1) obama meets with the President of Russia
2) Chrysler-Fiat to close the Fiat manufacturing plant in Italy
3) Chrysler-Fiat to open a Fiat manufacturing plant in Russia
Seems to be a lot of negative America coincidences lately.
Does anyone know of any more?
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
1) obama meets with the President of Russia
2) Chrysler-Fiat to close the Fiat manufacturing plant in Italy
3) Chrysler-Fiat to open a Fiat manufacturing plant in Russia
Seems to be a lot of negative America coincidences lately.
Does anyone know of any more?
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
Space Flight for Iran
Has anyone put together the following events:
1) obama has shut down the US space program
2) NASA has been given directions to give information to the muslim community
3) iran has just announced it will put a man in space by 2019.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
1) obama has shut down the US space program
2) NASA has been given directions to give information to the muslim community
3) iran has just announced it will put a man in space by 2019.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
Iran puts man in space by 2019
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Being obese is OK
Ok A child that sits around all day and is allowed to eat all the time is just bad parenting.
BUT, heavy people are just normal.
Lets take a short walk down history. The early dinosaurs over 250,000,000 (That's over 250 million) years ago
were shrimps measuring about one foot tall. The Earth at that time was lush and getting 'lusher' plus there was more oxygen and CO2 in the air. All animals grew larger over time and there was plenty food for every animal.
Over the next 165,000,000 years, dinosaurs grew amazingly huge topping out around 50 tons (That's 100,000 LBs) and about 30 or 40 feet long. They just didn't go from pip-squeeks to amazons overnight. They grew to their enormous size over tens of millions of years.
Going back to the earliest human ancestors - about 5 to 6 million years ago, our ancestors were only about three feet tall. Lack of food and lack of protein was the main reason for their small size.
Then there is the commune in Sweden where everyone was over 6 feet 2 inches. They decided to only eat a macro-biotic diet. What happened? All their children were shorter than 5 feet 9 inches. Why? Lack of meat protein.
So that brings us to currant times. In the 1950s the average high school student was about 5 foot 6.5 inches
and skinny. Today's high school students average about 5 feet 10 inches and carry a lot more weight.
BUT are they obese? The news is trying to tell us that they are. My thought is that their height is evolution of the human species at work. In 5 to 6 million years we went from 3 feet to 5 feet 6.5 inches. In only 55 years,
we went from 5 feet 6.5 inches to 5 feet 10 inches. That's evolution at work. The human species is getting taller. And most of the human species are getting both prettier and more handsome.
I see second generation and third generation people of all races being taller than their parents and they are
also heavier. OK - Some of the extra weight might be a more sedentary lifestyle but for the most part its better nutrition, more meat in their diets and more available food.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
BUT, heavy people are just normal.
Lets take a short walk down history. The early dinosaurs over 250,000,000 (That's over 250 million) years ago
were shrimps measuring about one foot tall. The Earth at that time was lush and getting 'lusher' plus there was more oxygen and CO2 in the air. All animals grew larger over time and there was plenty food for every animal.
Over the next 165,000,000 years, dinosaurs grew amazingly huge topping out around 50 tons (That's 100,000 LBs) and about 30 or 40 feet long. They just didn't go from pip-squeeks to amazons overnight. They grew to their enormous size over tens of millions of years.
Going back to the earliest human ancestors - about 5 to 6 million years ago, our ancestors were only about three feet tall. Lack of food and lack of protein was the main reason for their small size.
Then there is the commune in Sweden where everyone was over 6 feet 2 inches. They decided to only eat a macro-biotic diet. What happened? All their children were shorter than 5 feet 9 inches. Why? Lack of meat protein.
So that brings us to currant times. In the 1950s the average high school student was about 5 foot 6.5 inches
and skinny. Today's high school students average about 5 feet 10 inches and carry a lot more weight.
BUT are they obese? The news is trying to tell us that they are. My thought is that their height is evolution of the human species at work. In 5 to 6 million years we went from 3 feet to 5 feet 6.5 inches. In only 55 years,
we went from 5 feet 6.5 inches to 5 feet 10 inches. That's evolution at work. The human species is getting taller. And most of the human species are getting both prettier and more handsome.
I see second generation and third generation people of all races being taller than their parents and they are
also heavier. OK - Some of the extra weight might be a more sedentary lifestyle but for the most part its better nutrition, more meat in their diets and more available food.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
Not all heavy people are obese
Friday, July 9, 2010
How many US citizens are really unemployed.
The latest unemployment figures tell only part of the picture. About 4,400,000 people are getting unemployment insurance. And another 24,000,000 have lost their unemployment benefits and/or stopped looking for work. Plus, many of the newly employed have taken jobs at lower pay scales.
In talking with many small businesses, they all seem to have one mind. They will not hire anyone new because of the potential obama health care costs and the very real possibility of higher taxes.
I asked what would change their minds. Mostly, they are unsure of the government's future actions. They all told me that if they rescinded the obama health care law and replaced it with a more sensible and less costly version, that would make some difference. Another thing that would help to change their collective minds is keeping taxes where they are and renewing about-to-be-expired-tax-incentives. Without these changes, they told me that they are unlikely to hire anyone in the future. Many even said they have given thought to closing down completely.
With small business hiring over half the work force, that bodes poorly for any employment gain going forward.
The future of jobs is in our hands. By voting out the people - that made these terrible laws, will soon raise taxes and possible de-value the US Dollar - in November 2010 and again in 2012. The cause of this problem can be debated later. What is needed now is a tax-break stimulus to help small, medium and large businesses feel confident enough to begin hiring. As more people are hired the economy will begin to improve. Simple to do.
The unintended consequences of just spending unwisely with pork to pay for the bribes to pass the obama health care bill will eventually bankrupt the United States Of America. No One Wants That!!!
There has to be a compromise. Someone will gain the system more than others. OK. BUT the one fact is that those people will create jobs for the unemployed and that's the compromise. Like it or not, that is the answer.
And that's the way I see it...
Jay Clifford
In talking with many small businesses, they all seem to have one mind. They will not hire anyone new because of the potential obama health care costs and the very real possibility of higher taxes.
I asked what would change their minds. Mostly, they are unsure of the government's future actions. They all told me that if they rescinded the obama health care law and replaced it with a more sensible and less costly version, that would make some difference. Another thing that would help to change their collective minds is keeping taxes where they are and renewing about-to-be-expired-tax-incentives. Without these changes, they told me that they are unlikely to hire anyone in the future. Many even said they have given thought to closing down completely.
With small business hiring over half the work force, that bodes poorly for any employment gain going forward.
The future of jobs is in our hands. By voting out the people - that made these terrible laws, will soon raise taxes and possible de-value the US Dollar - in November 2010 and again in 2012. The cause of this problem can be debated later. What is needed now is a tax-break stimulus to help small, medium and large businesses feel confident enough to begin hiring. As more people are hired the economy will begin to improve. Simple to do.
The unintended consequences of just spending unwisely with pork to pay for the bribes to pass the obama health care bill will eventually bankrupt the United States Of America. No One Wants That!!!
There has to be a compromise. Someone will gain the system more than others. OK. BUT the one fact is that those people will create jobs for the unemployed and that's the compromise. Like it or not, that is the answer.
And that's the way I see it...
Jay Clifford
The real number of unemployed
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Tax the WHITE people to pay for obama's spending
Is it just me or did the democratic congress vote to TAX ONLY THE WHITE PEOPLE???
The new law taxes tanning salons. Who goes to tanning salons? Not black people.
Not hispanic people. Not asian people - as a rule. So who is left?
The WHITE PEOPLE. They make up 99.99% of all tanners.
obama has pushed through a law that discriminates solely against white people.
I cannot believe that this congress discriminated against white people by taxing them.
Now I do not use a tanning salon. My skin tans easily. But taxing all the white people
who use the tanning salons is just plain discriminatory.
Write into any news group and your congress representatives. TELL THEM that they have
committed an act of discrimination with the tanning tax law.
Let me hear from you on this.
They should not be able to get away with this discrimination
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.
The new law taxes tanning salons. Who goes to tanning salons? Not black people.
Not hispanic people. Not asian people - as a rule. So who is left?
The WHITE PEOPLE. They make up 99.99% of all tanners.
obama has pushed through a law that discriminates solely against white people.
I cannot believe that this congress discriminated against white people by taxing them.
Now I do not use a tanning salon. My skin tans easily. But taxing all the white people
who use the tanning salons is just plain discriminatory.
Write into any news group and your congress representatives. TELL THEM that they have
committed an act of discrimination with the tanning tax law.
Let me hear from you on this.
They should not be able to get away with this discrimination
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Political Power Grab
Does anyone see that the obama administration is taking the USA through the exact
same steps that the Nazi political structure did in its grab for absolute power over its
people in the 1930's???
Whether you are on the left, center or right, we will all be losers if the obama administration
grabs any more power. Now the obama admin is hoping to control all the internet. With this
control, he can single-handedly block any news that he deems non-obama.
And what do you call that type of power??? A Dictator.
Do we want to be governed by a dictator??? No Way !!!
How do we stop this from going any further??? Good question.
The left, center and right need to learn to come together for the protection of their
individual rights and their freedom.
The founders of this Republic saw this as a possibility and put in place a balance of powers
where each side could moderate the other side. Today, we have one party and the Presidency
and the Supreme court favoring one side. And that is bad for everyone.
We need a balance in all parts of government.
Remember this blog if you fail to get congress and mostly the Presidency to stop grabbing power.
The only way to stop this is to vote out enough of one party so after elections in Nov 2010, there is a balance
between both sides of the congress. If you do not, then there will be no turning back and the USA
will be led by a dictator. And your stocks and money will be worthless.
The only thing that work's with a dictator will be 'crowny-ism'. This is the Chicago way. Bride people or
make people do what you want by threatening them with financial harm or worse. The Chicago way.
And why is this important??? Because that is where obama learned politics.
Remember, vote out the incumbents in Nov 2010 elections. Or else you will wake up after the
elections to a dictator and there will be no turning back. Don't believe me. Well the people of
Germany in the 1930's had the same choices and look what rose to power and what happened
to the world.
Does anyone still remember that over 55,000,000 people were killed in World War 11 ??? And that all
of Europe and western Russian became a prison.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
same steps that the Nazi political structure did in its grab for absolute power over its
people in the 1930's???
Whether you are on the left, center or right, we will all be losers if the obama administration
grabs any more power. Now the obama admin is hoping to control all the internet. With this
control, he can single-handedly block any news that he deems non-obama.
And what do you call that type of power??? A Dictator.
Do we want to be governed by a dictator??? No Way !!!
How do we stop this from going any further??? Good question.
The left, center and right need to learn to come together for the protection of their
individual rights and their freedom.
The founders of this Republic saw this as a possibility and put in place a balance of powers
where each side could moderate the other side. Today, we have one party and the Presidency
and the Supreme court favoring one side. And that is bad for everyone.
We need a balance in all parts of government.
Remember this blog if you fail to get congress and mostly the Presidency to stop grabbing power.
The only way to stop this is to vote out enough of one party so after elections in Nov 2010, there is a balance
between both sides of the congress. If you do not, then there will be no turning back and the USA
will be led by a dictator. And your stocks and money will be worthless.
The only thing that work's with a dictator will be 'crowny-ism'. This is the Chicago way. Bride people or
make people do what you want by threatening them with financial harm or worse. The Chicago way.
And why is this important??? Because that is where obama learned politics.
Remember, vote out the incumbents in Nov 2010 elections. Or else you will wake up after the
elections to a dictator and there will be no turning back. Don't believe me. Well the people of
Germany in the 1930's had the same choices and look what rose to power and what happened
to the world.
Does anyone still remember that over 55,000,000 people were killed in World War 11 ??? And that all
of Europe and western Russian became a prison.
And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford
Control by one is bad for all
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Leader or Follower? - Action tells
The difference between being a leader and a follower
The oil spill and its aftermath bring out the best and worst of people. On the worst side, there is the President who said just before BP was about to cap the well and trying to take the glory for himself by saying he is responsible and the buck stops with him. Yeah and pigs fly!
He has never managed anything nor been in charge of any group of people and it shows. His lack of leadership is embarrassing to me, the people of the United States and the World.
He never seems to make a decision. He spent his entire term in the ILLINOIS congress voting: ‘Present’. Never a YES or a NO. As a US Senator, his record is about the same.
Now as President, he pushed for a health care bill using the Chicago way – The home of Al Capone and The BOSS. That’s where he learned politics. Anyone not willing to vote his way was put under intense pressure. Maybe that is not strong enough. How would you like to be in an gym’s shower room showering and have someone intensely swear at you to change your vote or you will never get anything for your district passed and they will work with the opposition to make sure you are not re-elected? That would make me angry. But some people had more savvy and requested that their district or state receive tens of millions of dollars for their vote. They knew how to work the Chicago way. And they received the “bribe”.
Only trouble is that the “bribe’ money (OK some will want to say that it was encouragement money) but the money had to come from somewhere. Where do you think the money came from? It came from you and me - from the stimulus money. That’s why there has been no new jobs created with $787,000,000,000 dollars of stimulus money.
So the politicians have learned to bribe the congress people with our own money. That’s one of the Chicago’s ways. So we have a President pushing for a bill that every poll suggested that 55% to 75% did not want. Was he a leader in this instance? No Way! He was just a stubborn man trying to get what he wanted no matter how it hurt the United States and it will hurt the United States in a terrible way now that the “real truth” of the cost of the health care bill is out.
There was no leadership here – Just Bribing.
As for leadership, you see it in the Governor of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida.
And you see it in the hundreds of vacationers who on their vacation are scooping up tar balls from the oil spill. You see it in the people who collected hundreds and hundreds of birds and turtles still covered with tar. They are cleaning these birds and turtles to save the environment as best as they can. And the People who roped barges together to stop the flow of oil into the wetlands. Even with Kevin Kostner with his great oil/water separator.
Leadership has its own quality. People stepping up to take charge. People forcing the government to accept doing something to at least get a “handle’ on the spilled oil and accept the equipment offered to the US to help in the clean-up. It took the President 50 days before he acted. It took people to save the birds and turtles one day to act. The difference is being able to take real responsibility in tough times and not use it for political advantage.
So many individual acts of responsibility – all need to be praised versus a President without a clue who is using this oil spill to help pass a law that will cost the American people jobs and costs all Americans more just to live in exchange for what? An empty promise?. This President should begin thinking about stepping down and letting a real leader handle the job of the Presidency. He must know it in his heart by now that he is in way over his head.
And that’s the way I see it…
Jay Clifford
The oil spill and its aftermath bring out the best and worst of people. On the worst side, there is the President who said just before BP was about to cap the well and trying to take the glory for himself by saying he is responsible and the buck stops with him. Yeah and pigs fly!
He has never managed anything nor been in charge of any group of people and it shows. His lack of leadership is embarrassing to me, the people of the United States and the World.
He never seems to make a decision. He spent his entire term in the ILLINOIS congress voting: ‘Present’. Never a YES or a NO. As a US Senator, his record is about the same.
Now as President, he pushed for a health care bill using the Chicago way – The home of Al Capone and The BOSS. That’s where he learned politics. Anyone not willing to vote his way was put under intense pressure. Maybe that is not strong enough. How would you like to be in an gym’s shower room showering and have someone intensely swear at you to change your vote or you will never get anything for your district passed and they will work with the opposition to make sure you are not re-elected? That would make me angry. But some people had more savvy and requested that their district or state receive tens of millions of dollars for their vote. They knew how to work the Chicago way. And they received the “bribe”.
Only trouble is that the “bribe’ money (OK some will want to say that it was encouragement money) but the money had to come from somewhere. Where do you think the money came from? It came from you and me - from the stimulus money. That’s why there has been no new jobs created with $787,000,000,000 dollars of stimulus money.
So the politicians have learned to bribe the congress people with our own money. That’s one of the Chicago’s ways. So we have a President pushing for a bill that every poll suggested that 55% to 75% did not want. Was he a leader in this instance? No Way! He was just a stubborn man trying to get what he wanted no matter how it hurt the United States and it will hurt the United States in a terrible way now that the “real truth” of the cost of the health care bill is out.
There was no leadership here – Just Bribing.
As for leadership, you see it in the Governor of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida.
And you see it in the hundreds of vacationers who on their vacation are scooping up tar balls from the oil spill. You see it in the people who collected hundreds and hundreds of birds and turtles still covered with tar. They are cleaning these birds and turtles to save the environment as best as they can. And the People who roped barges together to stop the flow of oil into the wetlands. Even with Kevin Kostner with his great oil/water separator.
Leadership has its own quality. People stepping up to take charge. People forcing the government to accept doing something to at least get a “handle’ on the spilled oil and accept the equipment offered to the US to help in the clean-up. It took the President 50 days before he acted. It took people to save the birds and turtles one day to act. The difference is being able to take real responsibility in tough times and not use it for political advantage.
So many individual acts of responsibility – all need to be praised versus a President without a clue who is using this oil spill to help pass a law that will cost the American people jobs and costs all Americans more just to live in exchange for what? An empty promise?. This President should begin thinking about stepping down and letting a real leader handle the job of the Presidency. He must know it in his heart by now that he is in way over his head.
And that’s the way I see it…
Jay Clifford
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Why are we so dependent on OIL?
Why are we so dependent on OIL?
Most of the modern world runs on oil and its by-products. Most people know that gasoline comes from ëcrackingà oil. And gasolineÃs primarily use is for fuel for cars. The more cars in the world, the more gasoline is needed, the more is needed and so on.
That leads to why cars run on gasoline instead of some other source of fuel. The quick history is that the earliest cars replaced a different pollution. Since the transportation prior to cars was based on the horse, the pollution was both a foul smell, tons of flies and one huge mess on all the roads. At that time, even the earliest autos with all their problems was a great improvement.
But most cars were build one at a time and expensive. Some of the best cars ran on steam. This had its own pollution and the range was limited by the size of the boiler. Still, models like the Stanley Steamer could travel fast and far, if you could afford one. Another problem faced by early auto drivers was that there were no paved roads ñ only horse trails and foot paths.
The future of the auto at that time looked bleak. Then Henry Ford figured out how to mass produce autos at a price that most people could afford. The engine he used was a gasoline engine. And while the Model T used as much oil as gasoline, they were well received. Soon the days of the horse as the only means of transportation were past. And we became an oil dependent nation and world.
And the world never looked back. Eventually roads wee built and autos became more reliable. Roads were built ñ most with bricks ñ but still an improvement over dirt horse trails, specially in wet weather. Then accessories were added and features that made driving a pleasure. Finally in the 1950Ãs a national highway system was completed. The car was king.
Even though a diesel engine was developed, it was many years before it came a popular choice in cars.
One factor was that few service stations offered diesel fuel. As improvements to the diesel engine were made, it now stands as the best alternative to gasoline. When you can use strained grease from a restaurant as fuel with little pollution at a greater savings than the cost of gasoline, you would think that most manufacturers would have built more diesel models. But the government helped the car industry expand.
Now, we use ethanol, a by-product of corn, ThatÃs why the price of bread is now so high. Much of the corn crop is sold to made ethanol. WHY? Because the government made that choice. BUT everyone knows that saw-grass, a weed that grows anywhere, can be used to produce the same ethanol for less money than using corn. But the government insists that we use corn. So itÃs an even swap ñ oil for corn. A no-gain transaction.
So we now used a 10% ethanol ñ 90% gasoline mixture at the ìpumps.î ItÃs the 90% that costs us dearly and sends billions of dollars to unfriendly countries that is the driving force behind cutting our dependence on foreign oil. Not oil completely ñ just foreign oil. That amounts to about 17% of the oil we import.
Now, with the unbelievable halting of all oil exploration (and drilling) in the Gulf, we will become more dependent on foreign oil. There is an almost perfect clean record of drilling for oil in shallow waters and on land. So why not drill for USA oil in Alaska. The people of Alaska want it. The United States needs to reduce the importing of foreign oil. But the government says no. One more bad business decision by government
The answer to both questions is poor, unfocused on the goal, management. When politics enters into a business decision, most of the time the business end suffers. Think of the post office. They have way too many employees and are bleeding money at an alarming rate. The governmentÃs answer? To take more money from the taxpayer to pay for jobs that are unneeded.
Then there is the railroads. And the two most corrupt of all programs: medicare and social security.
Both are bleeding and will continue to bleed until they bankrupt the USA? If medicare was handled in a private manner and people were allowed to invest 10% to 50% of their social security in fixed income treasury bonds, two things would happen. But government wants control of our money.
If private interest managed medicare, the medicare fraud would be squeezed out and those people committing fraud would go to prison. The result, more services and a savings plus a profit which could become taxable income. But the government says no.
Instead of a ëponzieà scheme which is what the social security system is based on, people could invest in both the United States and their retirement at the same time. Best of all, when a person dies, the money set aside would pass on to the family instead of being lost, as the social security system treats recipients now.
My argument here is that whatever the government touches becomes corrupt and a waste of taxpayerÃs money. The recent health law is an example of the most corrupt passage of a law you may ever see in your lifetime. We will begin taxing people now for services that will not be available for 3 or 4 or 5 years. Talk about cheating the citizens with their own money, this scam has beat all previous scams. And the true BUDGET-BUSTING accounting is just now coming out. When this new health care bill is in full operation, the USA will begin to slide into a time when we are spending more than the total country is earning.
The result will be either huge inflation or a deep depression.
So why oil? Because cars vans, SUVs, trucks, trains, airplanes are important to our way of life. ItÃs the government with itÃs terrible sense of doing business that will drive oil prices to skyrocket because of one terrible tragedy in the Gulf which was preventable if government was acting in our best interest from the start. But with the President using this crisis to push for Cap & Trade which will raise prices of gasoline and electricity up by a lot, instead of trying to solve the crisis, you and I can expect a lower standard of living and all things will get more expensive. And more people will be unemployed.
Just having the government throw money at people in the HOPE that they will come up with a new idea to make the USA less dependent on foreign oil or oil completely is absurd and beyond being stupid. Invention happens when it happens. No amount of government interference will speed things up or make something appear magically on schedule.
We need oil. Oil is essential to our way of life. Without oil there would be no plastics, very few medications and the world would be thrown back to a time of great disease, high unemployment reaching 50%, little food besides what you can grow, and so much more. And by limiting coal use for electricity, the cost of electricity will skyrocket while we experience several blackouts every years.
Why OIL? Because we need it.
And that's the way I see it.
Jay Clifford
Most of the modern world runs on oil and its by-products. Most people know that gasoline comes from ëcrackingà oil. And gasolineÃs primarily use is for fuel for cars. The more cars in the world, the more gasoline is needed, the more is needed and so on.
That leads to why cars run on gasoline instead of some other source of fuel. The quick history is that the earliest cars replaced a different pollution. Since the transportation prior to cars was based on the horse, the pollution was both a foul smell, tons of flies and one huge mess on all the roads. At that time, even the earliest autos with all their problems was a great improvement.
But most cars were build one at a time and expensive. Some of the best cars ran on steam. This had its own pollution and the range was limited by the size of the boiler. Still, models like the Stanley Steamer could travel fast and far, if you could afford one. Another problem faced by early auto drivers was that there were no paved roads ñ only horse trails and foot paths.
The future of the auto at that time looked bleak. Then Henry Ford figured out how to mass produce autos at a price that most people could afford. The engine he used was a gasoline engine. And while the Model T used as much oil as gasoline, they were well received. Soon the days of the horse as the only means of transportation were past. And we became an oil dependent nation and world.
And the world never looked back. Eventually roads wee built and autos became more reliable. Roads were built ñ most with bricks ñ but still an improvement over dirt horse trails, specially in wet weather. Then accessories were added and features that made driving a pleasure. Finally in the 1950Ãs a national highway system was completed. The car was king.
Even though a diesel engine was developed, it was many years before it came a popular choice in cars.
One factor was that few service stations offered diesel fuel. As improvements to the diesel engine were made, it now stands as the best alternative to gasoline. When you can use strained grease from a restaurant as fuel with little pollution at a greater savings than the cost of gasoline, you would think that most manufacturers would have built more diesel models. But the government helped the car industry expand.
Now, we use ethanol, a by-product of corn, ThatÃs why the price of bread is now so high. Much of the corn crop is sold to made ethanol. WHY? Because the government made that choice. BUT everyone knows that saw-grass, a weed that grows anywhere, can be used to produce the same ethanol for less money than using corn. But the government insists that we use corn. So itÃs an even swap ñ oil for corn. A no-gain transaction.
So we now used a 10% ethanol ñ 90% gasoline mixture at the ìpumps.î ItÃs the 90% that costs us dearly and sends billions of dollars to unfriendly countries that is the driving force behind cutting our dependence on foreign oil. Not oil completely ñ just foreign oil. That amounts to about 17% of the oil we import.
Now, with the unbelievable halting of all oil exploration (and drilling) in the Gulf, we will become more dependent on foreign oil. There is an almost perfect clean record of drilling for oil in shallow waters and on land. So why not drill for USA oil in Alaska. The people of Alaska want it. The United States needs to reduce the importing of foreign oil. But the government says no. One more bad business decision by government
The answer to both questions is poor, unfocused on the goal, management. When politics enters into a business decision, most of the time the business end suffers. Think of the post office. They have way too many employees and are bleeding money at an alarming rate. The governmentÃs answer? To take more money from the taxpayer to pay for jobs that are unneeded.
Then there is the railroads. And the two most corrupt of all programs: medicare and social security.
Both are bleeding and will continue to bleed until they bankrupt the USA? If medicare was handled in a private manner and people were allowed to invest 10% to 50% of their social security in fixed income treasury bonds, two things would happen. But government wants control of our money.
If private interest managed medicare, the medicare fraud would be squeezed out and those people committing fraud would go to prison. The result, more services and a savings plus a profit which could become taxable income. But the government says no.
Instead of a ëponzieà scheme which is what the social security system is based on, people could invest in both the United States and their retirement at the same time. Best of all, when a person dies, the money set aside would pass on to the family instead of being lost, as the social security system treats recipients now.
My argument here is that whatever the government touches becomes corrupt and a waste of taxpayerÃs money. The recent health law is an example of the most corrupt passage of a law you may ever see in your lifetime. We will begin taxing people now for services that will not be available for 3 or 4 or 5 years. Talk about cheating the citizens with their own money, this scam has beat all previous scams. And the true BUDGET-BUSTING accounting is just now coming out. When this new health care bill is in full operation, the USA will begin to slide into a time when we are spending more than the total country is earning.
The result will be either huge inflation or a deep depression.
So why oil? Because cars vans, SUVs, trucks, trains, airplanes are important to our way of life. ItÃs the government with itÃs terrible sense of doing business that will drive oil prices to skyrocket because of one terrible tragedy in the Gulf which was preventable if government was acting in our best interest from the start. But with the President using this crisis to push for Cap & Trade which will raise prices of gasoline and electricity up by a lot, instead of trying to solve the crisis, you and I can expect a lower standard of living and all things will get more expensive. And more people will be unemployed.
Just having the government throw money at people in the HOPE that they will come up with a new idea to make the USA less dependent on foreign oil or oil completely is absurd and beyond being stupid. Invention happens when it happens. No amount of government interference will speed things up or make something appear magically on schedule.
We need oil. Oil is essential to our way of life. Without oil there would be no plastics, very few medications and the world would be thrown back to a time of great disease, high unemployment reaching 50%, little food besides what you can grow, and so much more. And by limiting coal use for electricity, the cost of electricity will skyrocket while we experience several blackouts every years.
Why OIL? Because we need it.
And that's the way I see it.
Jay Clifford
Why are we so dependent on OIL?
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Oil everywhere – in the wetlands – covering the ducks, pelicans and dolphins – dissolved into small goblets flowing into the ocean’s conveyor belt and on the beaches. And no one can stop the leak. Not BP. Not the President. But someone needs to stop the lies coming from the President. He was not involved with the Gulf oil leak disaster the first five weeks after the explosion. He made four photo ops just recently and talked and talked and talked but did nothing. There was help from the Dutch 3 days after the explosion. BUT the President dismissed the help. Hundreds of people wrote, e-mailed and called in with all sorts of ways to collect the oil and the President did nothing. The marshes are being killed and the President did nothing. Then in a official Tuesday evening broadcast from the Oval Office, the President said nothing about how he would stop the leak or even collect the oil. Instead he said, he wants congress to pass a new law to tax the people on the whim that someone, someday will figure out how to replace our dependence on fossil fuel. And he wants to destroy one of our basic industries – the coal mining industry. But he offers no replacement for the fuel. Since most electricity is created form coal, we would be faced with either much higher electricity costs, black outs or both all over the USA. Now that’s an offer you can refuse. And the President said he wanted to establish an escrow fund from BP’s money that the President through his CZAR would manage. That’s like having the foxes guard the hen house. Talk about a new big slush find.
How about phasing in new technologies while continuing to explore and drill for more domestic oil and to continue using coal for the production of electricity. And over the next decade, we can add into the mix more wind, solar and even nuclear created electricity. In that decade, there could be vast improvements in these technologies by entrepreneurs. This type of break- thought cannot be legislated. It happens when it happens. By setting a realistic goal and timetable, we can work towards energy independence. Not by demanding that we come up with something if we throw money at it. Central planning did not work in the Soviet Union and will not work in the USA free market.
One factor in our use of oil is the average miles per gallon rate for entire automobile company-wide models. The SUV (a truck if ever there was one yet figured as an automobile for license plates and not figured in the auto company’s average miles per gallon) is one factor that continues to bring the UNOFFICIAL average miles per gallon per auto company down. At least the SUV is being replaced by the old station wagon now called a crossover. What’s in a word? Marketing.
OK there’s new legislation that raises the minimum miles per gallon per auto company and that is good. However, that will take effect about 2013. So for the next few years there might be a slight increase in each auto company’s miles per gallon. This will be offset by an increase in the number of cars, SUVs and trucks. So where is the savings? And how soon will it arrive? And why the rush to bring A NEW TAX NOW on the “IF-COME” that someone – someday will call out ‘eureka’ and develop a better solar panel or auto battery or who knows what. The economy needs to recover from the recession we are in first.
Oh Yes – remember the recession that was supposed to be shortened by the stimulus? Well the government run stimulus worked well didn’t it. Not even 100,000 new industry full time job created at an expense of $787,000,000,000. WOW! That’s a lot of zeros. Seven Hundred Eighty-Seven BILLION and no results. That’s how governments work.
Do you feel scammed. I do. Added to that, is that part of that stimulus money was used, in my opinion, to bribe enough senators and congresspersons to get the health care bill past. One huge slush fund and no new jobs. More on this later.
The president’s words show that he has no experience, no sense of history (except his place in it), doesn’t care about the people of the USA and is surrounded by people with no experience. They are ivory tower dreamers with zero management experience and it shows by their inaction or bad actions. At least hire some people to make good management decisions. Instead, all the CZARS are so unqualified to run the United States of America that its scary. And as a student of history, this looks a lot like 1930’s when the people of Austria welcomed the Central planning regime of Germany. And look where that got them. We are traveling down the same path. When people demand more of their government than their government is able to provide and able to pay, then we are headed for a collapse much like Greece.
In 1909 someone said: The Constitution is a great document until someone figures out how to bribe the citizens with their own money.” My fellow citizens, the congress has figured this out and is using this against all the people of the United States of America. Unless the balance of power is returned to Washington DC, the USA will turn into a second class country. The Congress needs to reflect the will of the people – not the interest groups nor big business.
And that’s the way I see it…
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.
How about phasing in new technologies while continuing to explore and drill for more domestic oil and to continue using coal for the production of electricity. And over the next decade, we can add into the mix more wind, solar and even nuclear created electricity. In that decade, there could be vast improvements in these technologies by entrepreneurs. This type of break- thought cannot be legislated. It happens when it happens. By setting a realistic goal and timetable, we can work towards energy independence. Not by demanding that we come up with something if we throw money at it. Central planning did not work in the Soviet Union and will not work in the USA free market.
One factor in our use of oil is the average miles per gallon rate for entire automobile company-wide models. The SUV (a truck if ever there was one yet figured as an automobile for license plates and not figured in the auto company’s average miles per gallon) is one factor that continues to bring the UNOFFICIAL average miles per gallon per auto company down. At least the SUV is being replaced by the old station wagon now called a crossover. What’s in a word? Marketing.
OK there’s new legislation that raises the minimum miles per gallon per auto company and that is good. However, that will take effect about 2013. So for the next few years there might be a slight increase in each auto company’s miles per gallon. This will be offset by an increase in the number of cars, SUVs and trucks. So where is the savings? And how soon will it arrive? And why the rush to bring A NEW TAX NOW on the “IF-COME” that someone – someday will call out ‘eureka’ and develop a better solar panel or auto battery or who knows what. The economy needs to recover from the recession we are in first.
Oh Yes – remember the recession that was supposed to be shortened by the stimulus? Well the government run stimulus worked well didn’t it. Not even 100,000 new industry full time job created at an expense of $787,000,000,000. WOW! That’s a lot of zeros. Seven Hundred Eighty-Seven BILLION and no results. That’s how governments work.
Do you feel scammed. I do. Added to that, is that part of that stimulus money was used, in my opinion, to bribe enough senators and congresspersons to get the health care bill past. One huge slush fund and no new jobs. More on this later.
The president’s words show that he has no experience, no sense of history (except his place in it), doesn’t care about the people of the USA and is surrounded by people with no experience. They are ivory tower dreamers with zero management experience and it shows by their inaction or bad actions. At least hire some people to make good management decisions. Instead, all the CZARS are so unqualified to run the United States of America that its scary. And as a student of history, this looks a lot like 1930’s when the people of Austria welcomed the Central planning regime of Germany. And look where that got them. We are traveling down the same path. When people demand more of their government than their government is able to provide and able to pay, then we are headed for a collapse much like Greece.
In 1909 someone said: The Constitution is a great document until someone figures out how to bribe the citizens with their own money.” My fellow citizens, the congress has figured this out and is using this against all the people of the United States of America. Unless the balance of power is returned to Washington DC, the USA will turn into a second class country. The Congress needs to reflect the will of the people – not the interest groups nor big business.
And that’s the way I see it…
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Let's talk about OIL
Oil is much in the news lately. Its spilling out into the Gulf at an alarming rate. And it’s used in exchange for hundreds of Billions of dollars from the USA to some countries that are not exactly an enemy of the USA and seek to harm the people of the USA.
OK – Gulf oil first. This is a problem of potential world problems. If the micro-globules of oil get into the ocean currents, all fish in all the oceans could be wiped out. That means this is a worldwide problem and not a BP problem. Imagine a time when the oceans population was reduced by 90%. People all over the world would starve. It would even destroy the Omega-3 industry. This needs to be handled with more action and less political photo ops. The USA should be inviting the entire world into helping resolve stopping this oil leak. And of course, the local people could be employed to help with the clean up. That would be a good use of the stimulus money, which has dripped through the politicians fingers so thoroughly without any tangible “work-ready” results that politicians are now asking for more money. This story will go on.
One issue is that it shows that we have a pseudo college substitute teacher who asked to work for free to get a college teaching position on his resume who is without any management nor work experience running the Gulf clean up. And his way of doing things is the Chicago way. If you do not know what the Chicago way is, then you probably voted for the current President. Just when the USA needs a strong LEADER, we have a President without the abilities to act in a manner that breeds confidence, gets things accomplished and in the best interest of the United States of America and the World.
Then, there is the source of OIL for the USA. About 17% comes from the Middle East. In my way of thinking, the United States needs to find another source to replace that 17%. That would solve two issues with one action. And then there is the looming Venezuela problem. If they stopped sending the USA it’s oil, the USA would be in for tough times. This is another source of oil that needs to be replaced.
How do we replace all those millions of barrels of oil? For one, we could drill in Alaska. In 5 years or less, that would add a significant amount of domestic oil. Another thing that will happen in a few years occurs when the new fuel standards for autos comes into place. That reduction for gasoline will significantly reduce the oil that is needed to be imported into the USA to be “cracked” into gasoline.
All this will take time. During that time, the USA needs to bring on as much oil source as we can find.
Why do we need so much OIL? Gasoline is only one part. Our cosmetic, plastic and pharmaceutical industries use most of the rest of the oil. Our modern world uses oil for a wide variety of uses.
Barely skimmed the surface on this subject. More later. You are encouraged to comment on the facts.
And that’s the way I see it…
Straight Take With Jay Clifford
OK – Gulf oil first. This is a problem of potential world problems. If the micro-globules of oil get into the ocean currents, all fish in all the oceans could be wiped out. That means this is a worldwide problem and not a BP problem. Imagine a time when the oceans population was reduced by 90%. People all over the world would starve. It would even destroy the Omega-3 industry. This needs to be handled with more action and less political photo ops. The USA should be inviting the entire world into helping resolve stopping this oil leak. And of course, the local people could be employed to help with the clean up. That would be a good use of the stimulus money, which has dripped through the politicians fingers so thoroughly without any tangible “work-ready” results that politicians are now asking for more money. This story will go on.
One issue is that it shows that we have a pseudo college substitute teacher who asked to work for free to get a college teaching position on his resume who is without any management nor work experience running the Gulf clean up. And his way of doing things is the Chicago way. If you do not know what the Chicago way is, then you probably voted for the current President. Just when the USA needs a strong LEADER, we have a President without the abilities to act in a manner that breeds confidence, gets things accomplished and in the best interest of the United States of America and the World.
Then, there is the source of OIL for the USA. About 17% comes from the Middle East. In my way of thinking, the United States needs to find another source to replace that 17%. That would solve two issues with one action. And then there is the looming Venezuela problem. If they stopped sending the USA it’s oil, the USA would be in for tough times. This is another source of oil that needs to be replaced.
How do we replace all those millions of barrels of oil? For one, we could drill in Alaska. In 5 years or less, that would add a significant amount of domestic oil. Another thing that will happen in a few years occurs when the new fuel standards for autos comes into place. That reduction for gasoline will significantly reduce the oil that is needed to be imported into the USA to be “cracked” into gasoline.
All this will take time. During that time, the USA needs to bring on as much oil source as we can find.
Why do we need so much OIL? Gasoline is only one part. Our cosmetic, plastic and pharmaceutical industries use most of the rest of the oil. Our modern world uses oil for a wide variety of uses.
Barely skimmed the surface on this subject. More later. You are encouraged to comment on the facts.
And that’s the way I see it…
Straight Take With Jay Clifford
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