Monday, July 23, 2012

Another "fair share" thought

The person who committed the movie massacre studied various psychiatric symptoms.
Yes, there may be some underlying remorse but, in my opinion, this person is faking his symptoms.

We need to make people responsibly for their actions. People need to be scared sh#tless about being caught and going to jail.

What do we do now? We feed these immoral criminals. We house them. We allow them free Cable TV. We allow them a gym to exercise. We allow them free high school GED certificates as well
as a free college education. We give them air conditioning.

Sure they're limited in where they can move about and are inside walls, but that is better than what most had before. We need to reduce what people in jail get. The Arizona warden does it right. He puts people in tents without air conditioning and feeds them baloney sandwiches. He puts them in pink prison clothes. The cost to keep and house Arizona prisoners is much less than anywhere else.

We need to make prison a place where no one wants to go.

The money we save could be used to feed and assist the people who lost their jobs. NOW that would be doing a "fair share" policy.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

QUOTE "You did not build it!"

"You did not build it!"

That's what he says and that is what he believes.

This arrogant President does not have a clue.
He does not know anything about how businesses begin, grow and prosper.
He does not understand anything about economics
He does not believe that this is a great country.
He says one thing and then does something else.
He can not be trusted.
He has insulted all americans with his words.
He has insulted all Black Americans by his words and lack of actions.
He has told untruth after untruth after untruth.
Does that make him a liar or just someone who will say anything to get elected.
Or does he really believe his anti-social, anti-American words.

He has insulted most of our allies - specially England and Israel.
He has bowed to the Arabs.
He has bowed to the Chinese.
He has snubbed Israel.
He gave the Queen of England a cell phone as a gift from America.

He has never talked with his jobs czar.

He has never visited Israel.
But he says that if re-elected, he will visit Israel.
Looks like he will never visit Israel.

This President is an embarrassment to all Americans.

This President has make the USA less of a world power.

This President will bankrupt the USA.

Maybe this President wants to "get back" at America because he is not an American.

This President has shown by his actions to be unworthy of the position of  President.

This President needs to be replaced on November by Hilary Clinton or Mitt Romney.
Either person would be a better option for  President.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Friday, July 20, 2012

Domestic terrorists need to be treated like non-humans

Correct me if I'm wrong but these domestic terrorists take our sense of freedom away and
the terrorists pay no consequences. They either kill themselves or get 3 meals a day in a comfortable
prison. We need to create a sense of terror and responsibility against these domestic terrorists.

They need to know that we will capture them and beat them unmercifully. They need to know that they will be beaten within an inch of the lives; allowed to heal and beaten again and again. I do not care if they are mentally deranged or just a terrorist.

We need to get to these terrorists and kill them. Screw the court system. They are committing war against the people of the USA! We need to capture them and beat them daily for the rest of their lives.

OK, I'm pissed off. We get a military Muslim terrorists killing soldiers and put him in jail. He needs to be beaten every day for the rest of his life. That would be justice. We get a Muslim with explosives in his shoes and in his underwear. They get three meals paid by you and me and a safe prison to live in. They need to be beaten every day if their lives.

We allow these terrorists to get away with murder and treat them like human beings. They immediately lost any rights as a human being when they set out to mass kill innocent people. We need to stop treating these terrorists like guests in a prison.

And that's the way I feel...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Questions about the Aurora, CO massacre

There are questions to this Colorado terrorists that need to be explored.

1) Who drove the car from Tennessee?
2) How did he enter the theatre?
3) Did someone let him in at the back door?
4) How easy is it to get the bullet proof clothes and equipment?
5) How ease is it to get the guns he use?
6) How easy is it to get the ammo?
7) This seems liked it was planned - was he a mole who received a "green" light to activate?
8) Was this a test run for similar multiple future terror acts towards "soft" targets.
9) How long was he panning this attack?
10) Why did he drop out of school? Was he given a Green light to activate?
11) Who else helped this terrorists?

We needs answers and we need stepped up pro-active counter-terrorists measures fast.

Our prayers to all this who lost their lives, their families and friends.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Senators - PASS A BUDGET

Just received an e-mail from Senator Durbin about the flammability of PJs.
What about hearing from the Senator about the BUDGET???

Open letter to all the Senators:


As a Citizen of the USA, I demand that you stop your personal political infighting and
 PASS A BUDGET. A budget that seriously reduces the debt. You know that as the debt 
increases, the debt service (The interest on the debt) grows. 
And when the interest rates begin to rise --- as they will--- we need to have a maximum
debt of about 17% of GDP. And you need to address this BEFORE the Nov election!!!

Who really cares about whether a fabric is or is not flammable? What we care about is 
allowing business to create real new jobs and reducing the debt. To that end, we need to
reduce the new rules and regulations, trim obamacare of its tax burden and make a 
major reduction in the debt by about 2% to 3% per year for several years. And we need to
reduce taxes for everyone. And we need to stop pitting one group of people against
another group of people. We are all Americans.

And the thought of the YUAN becoming a reserve currency just makes me angry at all
the congress persons who foolishly spent my tax dollars while enriching themselves
on "inside deals." Do not de-value the dollar just to pay off our debt and make all
Americans poor in the process. That is treason.

Why would anyone want to divide the American people other then for their personal gain
at the expense of the American people. We voted you into office to SERVE THE
CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES - not feed your pockets and do nothing but
raise money for your next election.

What are we paying you for if not to SERVE THE PEOPLE??? 

My friends (both Dems & Reps) all agree that you should pass a budget. Since the House
has repeatedly passed a budget, that budget deserves a vote - yea or nay. Then you
can "adjust the budget" and send it back to the House. 

The Senate is HIDING from the American people by not passing a budget. Allow me to 
remind the Senate that the Senate HAS AN OBLIGATION TO PASS A BUDGET 
EVERY YEAR. Failing to pass a budget shows contempt for the American people.
Again, your job is to pass a budget. Just do it!

That's the way I and my friends feel...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Monday, July 16, 2012

Is obama stupid or are we stupid for listening to him?

Obama screams in his preacher speak that Romney outsourced jobs at Bane Capital.

Didn't President Clinton sign the treaty that allowed outsourcing? And aren't most clothes and car parts made in countries other than the US? Sure they are. Without outsourcing, clothes and cars would be so expensive that no one with incomes below $80,000 could afford to buy them. Look at the labels on your clothes. I'll bet you that you might not see "made in the USA" more than once out of ten garments. And what about shoes. Anyone buy a pair of Niki shoes lately?

And what ABout GE. The obama hired the CEO of GE to "reach" American business on how to What???
GE pais zero federal taxes.
GE has 170,000 workers in other countries and only 130,000 American workers.
GE operates in 43 countries.
GE has hundreds of Millions of dollars overseas that GE will not being back to the USA.
So what will GE teach American business???

GE is an outsourcing king; and more than any other two or three American companies. And GE is proudly promoted b y the obama.

Why is the obama repeating this fact of life about universal outsourcing and saying it is terrible when Romney is doing it... but not when GE is doing it???  Does the obama really think the American people are that stupid???

Did you know that Romney CREATED over 10,000 NEW JOB with the creation of Staples! And ROMNEY either saved another 10,000 jobs or at lest extended this jobs which would have be gone without the Capital Romney invested to try to make these failing companies survive.

What has the obama done? Nothing but raise taxes on everyone with a health care program that will eventually bankrupt the USA. Oh Yeah! He is hiring over 16,000 IRS AGENTS to make sure you pay the increased taxes. With the obama, now you have a greater chance of being audited and definitely will pay more in taxes.

Tell the obama we see through his Bulls*@t and smoke screens.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Lets talk about FAIR SHARE.

What dies fair share mean? And who is this directed at?

My thought is that the 49% of the people on welfare and who are living off the backs of the people who are paying taxes need to start paying their fair share. Many of these welfare recipients are second and third generation welfare families. THIS HAS TO STOP. These welfare people are not paying their fair share.

Welfare recipients need to stop having multiple children. They need to focus instead on graduation High School and becoming employed.


I do not want my taxes to be given to these welfare people - specially the 2nd and 3rd generation welfare recipients.

We need to stop giving welfare for any child born after the first welfare child. That will cause women to stop having 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and more welfare children. If welfare women realize that they will not get any welfare money after the first welfare child, they will immediately become more responsible and stop having multiple children. And some of these welfare people might actually go back to work. What would make them choose to start working? We just need to make the welfare money and benefits less then what they can get if they were working - even at minimum wages.


I'm paying federal and state taxes. I should have a larger "fair share right" with my vote.

People on welfare should lose their voting rights for the next Presidential election.

People on welfare should not be allowed to vote. Of course, welfare recipients would vote for whoever will continue their free ride on welfare. BUT WELFARE MONEY IS NOT FREE ! WELFARE MONEY IS YOURS AND MY FEDERAL TAXES BEING TAKEN AWAY FROM US TO GIVE TO FREE-LOADERS.

A fair share for me would be that only people who work can vote. Otherwise, the corruption of welfare will never end.

And that's the way I see it...
straight Talk with jay Clifford

What is WRONG with the obama ???

The obama wants to know about Romney's experience in business? Isn't that so very funny. The obama had zero experience doing anything and he is asking about legitmate experience from ROMNEY. Talk about double standards.

And the obama says that Romney was focused at Bain Capital in making profits. Hello world. That is what private business is ALL about. It is from the created profits that JOB ARE CREATED. Hello world! It is time to understand that jobs are created from people taking risks to make a product or offer a service as a side affect of making money..

The government does neither. The government just sucks money from the people and spends it very unwisely. Think the post office. They are 7 Billion dollars in the red. And they are strapped with huge pension liabilities.

A private company could do the job with 20% of the work force and at a profit. Think Fed/Ex or UPS.

The purpose of the government is to PROTECT the PEOPLE from foreign attackers. Much of the government is scams, bribes, cheating, outright stealing, favoritism in selection of providers of services and products plus slush funds that causes the extra dollars spent on anything by the government to be excessive and wasteful. The government spends our tax dollars with glee and
malice in their actions and without guilt in their waste.

The obama has done nothing but bring the United States closer to complete bankruptcy. Right now there are three cities in California that are declaring bankruptcy. And more will surely follow.

WHY? Because government on any level offers too much money for any product and service. These cities and more have to declare bankruptcy because governments allowed the unions to have a say in their negotiations with what they get paid, union benefits and union pensions. Bankruptcy allows the government to say that they are still pro-union but at the same time are wiping out the union negotiated pensions and excess benefits.This is just another smoke screen by government.

So when will the US Government declare bankruptcy??? Sooner than you want to accept. But they will do it with dollar manipulations which will cause everyone to lose value in the dollar. It will make the entire middle class immediately poor.

And who is leading this dollar de-valuation?

The obama - that's who!!! The buck stops with the obama. Even though the Senate blocks any attempt to make a budget, it is the President that should be leading instead of dividing the Democrats from the Republicans and the the few people that pay 75% of all the taxes with the 49% of those US citizens who pay zero taxes. This President is does not have the ability to lead this nation.

Obama has zero leadership ability. A likable guy but a terrible, bad leader. The obama is more of a DIVIDER than anything else. And the obama has no idea how a President should act and behave. And the obama is quick to SELL OUT the USA to anyone. And the obama has zero foreign ability. The obama has given away many opportunities to make the world safer and the US stronger. Instead the obama has used his pen to destroy the economy of the USA and 'SUE" anyone whoos doing the right thing!!!.

It is only the re-sounding strength of the USA business community that has keep the economy afloat in this second depression. And what does the obama say about this? He berates the business world for making a profit. The obama does not know what the business community does. He thinks that they just can hire anytime because the obama wants them to hire workers. That is not how it works.

The business community needs stable rules and regulations that do not inhibit their ability to make money and grow. The business world hires new workers AS A SIDE AFFECT OF MAKING MONEY not as a social choice.

So who knows how the business community works??? Who has experience WORKING in the business world??? WHo has risked their own capital to buy failing companies and try save job and to make those companies profitable??? Who has created one of the larger companies in the USA creating over 10,000 jobs??? ((THINK STAPLES)))  Who has turned around failing companies and either gave them an addition several years before they failed or kept those businesses alive maintaining jobs.

The answer is Governor ROMNEY and only Romney!!!

Who has created JOB???  Only ROMNEY


And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Jesse Jackson Jr is still hiding !!!

Why is Jesse Jackson Jr hiding???

Is it Jesse Jr's possible connection with "bloggo" the Illinios governor who went to jail?

Is it about Jesse Jr trying to buy the Senate seat left open by obama???

What corrupt possibility has come home to roost on the Jackson name???

Remember, Jesse jackson was the person who told corporations to give money to his
pro-black "charity" or have a million black people picket their business locations!!!

That's right. It was a form of not-so-legal blackmail and it worked for the most part.

That's seems to be the way Jesse Sr got his money. M. L. KING is spinning in his grave -
seeing what Jesse (M.L.K.'s protege) did. And now Jesse Jr seems to be caught up in
 Jesse's corruption.

Remember the old adage:. "What goes around - Comes around!" Call it Karma or just a
fairness in life.

Jesse Jr! Stop hiding!  Jesse Jr Stop being a coward! Jesse Jr come home and face your

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Where's Jesse Jr???

First Jesse Jackson Jr gets in trouble and then he hides. Does he really need to hide away in a medical leave of absence for his health or until the 'trouble' blows over. Seems like the corruption in Chicago is everywhere.

And do you remember that the obama came from that same corrupt Chicago? DoesConvicted and Jailed Tony Rezko, longtime associate with the obama. I think this is how a broke obama got his multi-million dollar home with an extra empty lot without putting down any money.

And Chicago is the home of Rev. Wright - an American hater and long time teacher of the obama.

And remember when the obama said he was a college professor at the University of Chicago. Turns out that he offered to teach classes FOR FREE so he could tout that he taught at the University of Chicago. Turns out that he was not a Constitution professor after all. In fact all he did was to walk around and sign up black people to vote. Hmmm, He did this with ACORN. Does this strike a bell???

Remember, Chicago is known for the dead voting several times. And Chicago is known for swinging the election for John F Kennedy. Chicago has a longtime history of corruption. And this was the breeding ground and the teaching ground of the obama.

Did I mention the terrorists who bombed and KILLED people that was the obama's friend and neighbor and the person whose home the obama launched his drive to become President.

Just the Facts, Ma'am. as a long ago Sargent Friday, a TV character, would say. Why aren't these facts in the publics' domain?  Why aren't these facts and more facts about this foreign born amateur and false President known to everyone?

Someday the truth will come to light. Lets just hope that someone else gets elected this November first.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

What's Happening in Chicago, IL, USA

The heat has left the Chicago area taking 18 lives. So far, there are a total of 35 lives lost to the extreme heat and humidity in the USA.  Why did Chicago have half the heat-related deaths? There are
a lot of people in Chicago and many of the heat-related deaths were people over 55. Still, that is too many heat-related deaths.

Then there were the killings on the near west side and the south side in Chicago, IL. Homicides they are called by the news and the police. I call them domestic terrorism. Chicago seems to be the deadliest city in North America.  Mexico still hold the record for killings with a whooping 26,000 people killed over the last few years. That is more than the IRAQ & Afghanistan's total deaths combines over ten years.

Something is wrong there. We need the MILITARY to come home and "TAKE OUT THESE DOMESTIC TERRORISTS once and for all." Chicago is a WAR ZONE - when you count the number of killings, you have to realize that Chicago is not a safe place for many residents.

Why are we sending out troops to stop terrorism in other countries but not doing a real killing of these terrorists? We need to WIPE OUT these foreign terrorists so the troops can come home and WIPE OUT the DOMESTIC TERRORISTS in Chicago.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Who are the real Obama voters? And why?

When I think of the Obama administration and the people that Obama surrounds himself, I get scared.
Scared because there are no middle of the road people in Obama's cabinet or the 20 or 30-some Czars. They are all either liberal, very liberal or extremist and even anti-USA terrorists (Remember Van Jones who had to quit?)

Now I wonder who these people attract. The obvious is the black voters. They voted 98% for Obama last time. And they will most likely do that again - even though the black populace has been hot the hardest in the last 3 years of the Obama Presidency. Black unemployment as reported by the government's figures is now 14.4% (and you know that number is lower than reality like all the unemployment figures.) So it must be a racist thing. What else can it be?

Then there are the white liberals. They have been around since before the American revolution. If it was up to the liberals, we would still be a colony of England and ruled by their queen. What is up with these liberals? They seem to have their heads in the "should be" world and not in the real world. And they seem to be unaware of the costs of the programs they want to "give" to people (using other peoples' money.)  But liberal are the cheapest when it comes to giving to charity. More money and more percent of income is given to charity by independents and wealthy families than liberal familes as reported by the IRS.

Asians seem to be mixed as to voting.

That leaves Hispanics. As a group they 'should' be conservative since they are mostly religious and Catholic. But the fight over maintaining the US borders has been turned into a political hotbed totally altering the way Hispanics view the liberals. Hispanics who are legal residents are mostly in favor of a worker-visa program to allow people to enter the USA for a limited time to work. Then leave when their work is over. BUT that requires a secure and tightly closed border - like most countries have.

So you have millions of Hispanics who are ILLEGAL RESIDENTS. The vast majority are good people. The problem comes when it's time for their employer to take out social security taxes. And the social security number given turns out to be illegal.

So what happens? The treasury gets the money - Maybe - and the workers do not get any record of payments. But the illegal workers get the benefits of food stamps and medical care. And who pays for this extra costs? You and I pay for this through extra federal and state taxes. OK - there is some positive when they pay sales tax - if they pay sales tax.

Now the schools are filled with these illegal immigrants' children. This causes legal citizens to pay for building more schools and paying more teachers' salaries which increases the states; pension liabilities. AH-HA - THIS INCREASES UNION WORKERS! Now we are getting at one of the important factors about illegal immigrants.

Here is the formula > More illegals = more schools built and more teachers hired = more union workers. And union workers vote for the Democrats.

There you have it. That is why the Democrats want to keep the birder issue on the political scene and never want to solve this problem. That means that the unions will continue to vote for the Democrat plus half of the Hispanics plus virtually all the blacks plus the shrinking white liberal middle class plus all the people who are living on welfare and plan to stay on welfare.

That is who votes for Obama: The blacks - the liberal whites - the welfare takers - half the Hispanics - and virtually all the union members.
And who wouldn't be proud to have this combination of people that you need to court to get elected?

Notice that the people who work for there money - the people who build small and medium businesses - the people who live on straight commissions like real estate brokers - plumbers - electricians - dentists - doctors - nurses - individual contractors of all types to name of few.
Another words - the hard working people of America who pay their taxes to support the takers on welfare - the people who give the largest share of their income to charity.

You get the point. The free lunch will eventually end - one way or another. Better to end it now so fewer people will be hurt than to wait until everyone will be hurt. Now is the time to vote for the Republican candidate to protect your America - to protect your ability to feed your families - to protect your children.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

CA does not need a high speed rail system

California, prone to earthquakes, has approved a high speed rail project. Really? And how much faster will CA residents be able to travel from San Diego to San Francisco? Maybe save a few hours - at best. This looks like a highway for illegals traveling north as well.

Who really benefits from this high speed rail project? The union members who will build it and the union members who will run the trains. That means more pension expense for the state. But the towns along Highway 5 or 101 will lose all that business from drivers that would travel through these towns to gas-up and grab a bite to eat or even sleep over on their way - just like the towns along highway 66 that lose most of their business when highway 66 was replaced. 

So lets look at this financially.
Less city and town sales taxes.
Less local gasoline taxes.
Small businesses that depend on the traffic from people driving up and down CA will close.
More local people will be out of jobs.
Less jobs means less Social Security and medicare taxes will be received into the US Treasury.
More unemployment means more stress on the CA's state deficit - almost as large as Greece's debt.
All this means that many CA cities and towns will have to increase real estate taxes.

And why are we building this high-speed rail system???

Because the unions want this project.

Everyone else in CA will lose.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Friday, July 6, 2012

Victim Class Versus the Decreasing Middle Class

All the people on welfare are there for many different reasons. But what is new is that many in the welfare class are people who used to be in the Middle class. The new welfare class people lost their jobs or had to bankrupt for one reason or another. The net result is that Obama with his bad decisions and bad spending of trillions of our tax dollars has decimated the Middle Class.

There is no blaming "the other guy before me". It is time for the President to step up and admit he screwed up. Screwed up big time. Obama even laughed at the idea that there were ''shovel-ready-jobs" just waiting for money to be spent.

What did the Obama administration do with the money he said would grow the economy? He gave it to over-spending States so they could pay the State's' bills instead of giving money to contractors to re-build USA's infra-structure. That would have created real jobs. And that would have created real tax revenues to both the Federal and States balance sheets.

Now Obama wants to do another round of spending just before the election. Now Obama is telling us he is concerned about the loss of jobs in the US economy. BULLS**T!!!.  If he was truly concerned, he would have done something about jobs in the first two years when he had control of both houses of Congress. Instead he focused on the Obamacare which had to promise all sorts of things to senators and house members to get the votes. Then he had to promise to allow many groups (mostly unions) to avoid being under the obamacare laws so their congress persons would vote for the bill.


Welfare is growing !!!

The middle Class is shrinking !!!

Who will be left to pay the taxes for the welfare group ???

There is a tipping point and we are at it. We need to cut spending and we need to vote in someone who is not an inept amateur. We need to have a LEADER - something Obama is not and ROMNEY is!!!

Everything else in this election is hiding from the truth. The truth is the USA needs to change its economic direction. We need to have a real President with real experience in the White House.

Mitt Romney was a governor. He presided over a completely liberal congress and yet was able to get legislation passed. Romney knows how to work with all the people and with people in both parties.
Romney has business financial experience. Romney has working experience. Romney has shown us his birth certificate and college records. Romney has saved thousands of job using his own money. Romney has created tens of thousands of jobs using his own money. Romney is the very picture of what every American aspires to: Work hard and get the benefits of your hard work.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

The Color of a Bus

Have you seen the color of the two buses for Romney and Obama?

Mitt 's bus is Red, While and Blue

Obama's bus is Black

What can you read into the colors?

Mitt is patriotic.
Obama is racist or pro-black (not the President of all the people - just the black people.)

It is so very glaring!!!

And what has the President done for the black people? Nothing except widen the divide between the black people and the general population. Black people have a 14.4% unemployment rate. WHY? They have the same brains as everyone else. So it must be something else. If they vote for Obama in Nov, that shows you that the black populace are racists as a group. Last election 98% of black voters voted for Obama. Every other group was divided.

This President has made racism worse than when he came into office and he will make racism ever worse yet again if he gets re-elected. Then Obama will blame every other group for the plight of the black people. Further dividing the races. He seems to be a racist and a divider. Only been one other person in recent history that acted like Obama. And he killed or caused to be kill over 50,000,000 people all over the Earth by dividing people and causing one group to be against another group.

We need a Red, White and Blue President for everyone. A President that can bring the country together. A President that has a solid HISTORY of working with both sides of the aisle and HISTORY of getting legislation passed. A President who will make a "real" budget and get it passed by both houses of Congress. ((Something that the obama did not and could not do for three years.))

We need a change in the Presidency in November for the good of all the Citizens of the USA.

And we need to increase the number of Republicans in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Cliffprd

Thursday, July 5, 2012

US Job figures do not add up

Today they touted that 14,000 fewer people applied for unemployment. Ok that's a nice number.

And we added 174,000 jobs in June. - another nice number.

BUT in June, there were 374,000 that lost their jobs!!!  HOLY S#%& !!!

To me that's a NET LOSS OF 200,000 jobs in June. How can the administration tout that 174,000 jobs were created. Are they completely stupid or does the administration believe that the citizens are completely stupid. Seems more like the later to me. The USA LOST A NET OF 200,000 JOBS IN JUNE BY THE GOVERNMENT'S OWN FIGURES!!!

This is absolutely stunning that people still believe that the obama administration is worthy of getting another term. Considering what they have achieved in the first obama term, the USA will be completely bankrupt just like Greece if the obama gets another 4 years to ruin the USA economy.

Talk about the ignorant leading the blind ...

The only reason this obama has a chance to get re-elected is that there are almost half the voting citizens on welfare and they want to keep getting free welfare at the expense of the working citizens.
Talk about fair share. I want to keep my earned income to feed my family and friends and not a bunch of takers on the dole forever.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford

Sunday, July 1, 2012

South Side of Chicago OR Afghanistan?

Here's my question again.

Where would you rather be stranded? On the South side of Chicago or Southern Afghanistan?

For the last several weeks, the incidents of shooting were 10 times more on the South side of Chicago than in Afghanistan. And the death totals were three times more in Chicago than in Afghanistan.

The USA should concentrate on the domestic terrorists --- commonly known as gangs --- and get out of Afghanistan. The real terror problem is on the South Side of Chicago. We need military intervention there. And we need to not just capture these gang members; but we need to treat these killers as domestic terrorists and put them in front of a firing squad. Putting them in prison only rewards them with doing nothing and getting three meals a day plus a clean place to sleep with heat, air conditioning  and a place to work out.

As much as Afghanistan is a world problem, he USA needs to get its own house in order before we try to straighten out other countries.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford