Parents usually give their children their values by direct and INDIRECT words and actions.
What Jesse the younger saw was his father blackmailing corporations for money to support his organization. It went like this. They would call up and ask for a donation. If they got it, fine. If
they did not get a donation, Jesse would call a boycott of that company's products. Only after a
large donation was received would the boycott be called off. I call this corporate blackmail.
That is the value Jesse Jackson grew up within. So he thought he could do this himself.
So, in my opinion, Jesse stole from his campaign funds to support his values not because
of bi-polar problems but because those were his values.
And the entire family knew this. That is why they hid Jesse in a hospital just like Hilary Clinton
went to a hospital after the Benhgazi terror attack --- which obama never approved helping our
embassy personal --- to let the situation cool down. Hilary yelled, "What difference does it make!
They're dead. Lets move on!!!"
Well Jesse's family said, "He's sick and it's not his fault." These politicians just lie and cheat us every chance they get.
Jesse needs to go to jail. Jesse's wife needs to be on probation for 6 years. That way she can stay home;
taking care of her children. But Jesse needs to pay with jail time and a loss of pension. plus a fine.
Just like either Hilary needs to be jailed for her lack of assistance to out ambassidors which got them killed by terrorists OR obama needs to be impeached. One or both need to lose their pension. And all the people in the state department who were shifted to other jobs need to be fired with a loss of their pensions.
We need to clean up government and make government responsible to the citizens. We can do this by
starting a grass roots effort to enforce TERM LIMITS ON ALL CONGRESS just like we impose
a limit of two terms for a President.
And that;'s the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.
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