Monday, February 18, 2013

obama, ge, facebook and TAXES

Obama is always talking about paying 'your fair share' - even though he never identifies what a 'fair share' is. What does "Fair Share" really mean???

So lets look at this by the numbers.

Obama took 2 full weeks in Hawaii for vacation only a few weeks ago Why Hawaii? Who would n't want to go there. BUT obama has zero connection with Hawaii. Je just likes going there on your taxes.

Now obama is playing golf in Florida with Tiger Woods. Why does Tiger Woods now live in Florida. Because he does not want to pay the high state taxes in California where he used to live/ Is there something obama can learn from this?

Who is heading up obama's jobs department? The CEO of GE. GE has billions in cash over seas and makes Billions of Dollars in the USA BUT pays ZERO FEDERAL TAXES. Another glitch. Anyone see this???

Now obama is friends with Zuckerman whose company Facebook made over One BILLION dollars last year and will PAY ZERO FEDERAL TAXES THIS YEAR.

What is wrong with the thinking of this obama???
All he wants to do is spend, spend and spend some more. WHere will the money come from to spend?
Maybe some will come from middle class tax payers and a bit will come from high earning tax payers. The rest will come from PRINTING MONEY by the Federal Reserve Bank.

Ever time the Fed prints money, your dollars are worth less. If you say this fast enough you begin to see that dollars are worthless. Our dollar currency is collapsing as we live and breathe today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Something has to be done with our currency besides printing more money. We need to cut spending and cut it this year - not 5 years down the road where it will not matter. As we lose control of the US deficit, we lose our country, our security, our ability to maintain a high standard of living.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

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