Thursday, February 28, 2013

Remembering a teaching story

While I was growing up, we had a teaching moral story called:
"The Boy WHo Cried Wolf."

For those who never read or heard of this story, the plot goes like this:

The boy is tending his flock of sheep. He runs over to his father and
yells that the father needs to come quickly to chase away the wolf who
is eating the sheep.

Huffing and puffing the father arrives at where the sheep are peacefully
grazing and ask the boy: " Where's the wolf?"

At this point the boy starts laughing and tells his father that there was
no wolf.

The Father responding in a laughing way said" You fooled me today."

A few days later, the boy ran to his father and exclaimed that this time
the wolf was really there and was eating the sheep.

So the father grabbed a stick and ran to where the sheep were again
peacefully grazing. Looking around, the father knew he was the
center of the boy's joke again. The father went away laughing but said
that "he was fooled once - shame on the boy. And he was fooled twice -
shame on me."

Now the wolf came around and was circling the sheep with drooling
jaws. So quickly the boy ran to the father and told the father that this time
the wolf is eating the sheep. Please come quickly, cried the boy.

But the father just laughed and said, I'm too tired to listen to your jokes.

No matter how the boy pleaded, the father stayed put while the wolf eat
his sheep.

OK - That was the story with a moral.

Now comes the President proclaiming all sorts of calamities about
what will happen if the Republicans do not raise the taxes on the 1% and
that obama and the Democrats will work on spending cuts.

The Republicans, not wanting to be put in a bad light and sensing
spending cuts, agreed to the tax hikes.

Then the President said that "there will be no tax hikes for the middle class."
But on January 1, 2013, ever person who earns a wage got a 2% tax hike.
OPPS! How did that happen. The President said that would not happen.

Next the President asked to close the tax loopholes - which really are the
government's way to encourage activity in an area of business like
the home interest deduction and the depletion deduction and the cost
of doing business deduction and the charity deduction.

But when the Republicans asked for spending cuts, the President and the
Democrats just kept asking for tax loophole trimmings without mentioning
any spending cuts.

Next came sequestration. And the obama proclaimed the sky would fall,
14,000 teachers would be out of a job ( a lie), the airports will experience
2 hours delays ( an exaggerated claim), the military would be stripped of its
power (and to prove the point, obama re-called an aircraft carrier from the

But, Fox news questioned the story that the obama was telling. Then Washington
Post started asking questions. And finally Bob Woodward called out the obama
on making exaggerated and false claims. The White House through its point man
THREATENED Bob Woodward because Bob was exposing the truth.
THREATENING !!! How dare the government threaten a citizen for exposing the truth.

Then the obama tried to save some face by BACKING DOWN OFF HIS FALSE CLAIMS.

Obama is the "Boy Who Cried Wolf" and he was caught in a story of his own making.

Now we are faced with the sequestration which will do nothing to stop the rise
in the USA's annual deficit spending. Yes, it will slow the increase of spending.
BUT, the total debt will continue to rise and the annual deficits will continue.

This was another example of CRISIS MANAGEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT.

And if there isn't a crisis, then the President will make the a crisis,
 which he did with the sequestration.


And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

obama is cheating the American People

How long can' the obama' lie to the public before the public catches on that
his only agenda is to destroy the USA.

Obama will not send a realistic budget to the Senate. His last budget was
rejected by every Senate and House member. Not one person voted for
the  budget that obama created.

The House has sent a budget to the Senate every year. BUT the Senate will
not bring the House budget up for a vote. Then the Senate (Harry Reid) says
that they have not seen anything like a budget from the House. PURE LIES
Plus the Senate has yet to make a budget as required by law..

But, the Senate gets away with it while the spending goes up and up even though
the revenue has remained level and the USA continues to spend more than the
revenues it takes in.

EVERYONE KNOWS that when you repeatedly spend more than you make,
you eventually become BANKRUPT. That is the game the White House and
Senate are playing. They are telling lies to the American public. Lies that they
blame on the Republicans. TOTAL BULL. But the news never reports this
unless you listen to some of the FOX business reports and the liberal BBC.

In Germany 1930s, government found that if you repeat a lie often enough, then
the public will begin to believe the lie. And with no free press, a lie can be told
over and over by the government. That is what is happening with our news

It used to be that our news agencies would ask the tough questions and
investigate what was being done in Congress. That is not the case now.

The news agencies have become a spokesperson for the Democratic party.
You can actually count the number of PRO Democratic stories Versus the
number of PRO Republican stories and see a ratio of about 15 to 1.
And you can always count on the news to broadcast anything that seems to
be negative towards the Republican and never say anything negative about
the Democratic party. In my opinion and the opinion of any intelligent person,
that is bias reporting. Biased reporting means the public is being lied to.

What would be fair and best for the USA would be a FREE & UNBIASED PRESS.

the press is biased, you have dictators. That is the direction the press is
pointing the USA towards unless it becomes more neutral. Enough of the lies.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Monday, February 25, 2013


The government cannot guarantee you any benefits
or services

Plain and simple. It is a zero sum game.
The government has only the money it can take from citizens.

And the debt is just an elaborate way to to pretend the government has money.

That is the basis of socialism. Socialism takes from some to give to other.
But as we saw in the brief history of communist Russia, some people get more than others.

Socialism can be seen as the plunder from some to give to others. But the others usually are not the productive citizens. They are the takers of the system. They offer nothing in return for their taking.

Maybe it would be a great time to read ANIMAL FARM.
A short, great book that is fun to read and has a deep meaning - specially now.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Politicizing the Oscars

Why is an obama delivering the winning picture at the 2013 Oscars???

What is going on here?

Can't we have one day without an obama face on the TV???

This is starting to look and feel like China with a Dictator in control.

I'm scared.

You should be as well.

That's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

obama's plan

First, obama created the "default plan" called sequestration. He pushed for it and got it passed.

Then obama got a tax hike on both the highest  earners and everyone else. My latest paycheck was less, wasn't your???  obama caught in another li e when he said only people earning ver $250,000 would pay more in taxes. But I do not make anywhere near $250,000 and my taxes increased last paycheck.

So obama got two tax hikes without getting any spending cuts. The real problem has not been solved.
The tax hike will pay for only a few days in Federal spending.

Now obama want more taxes before he will discuss any spending cuts. Who is he kidding? All he wants is to TAX AND SPEND. Sound familiar? Oh Yeah, that's the Democrats plan. TAX AND SPEND - What os not said is "DAMN THE DEFICIT - IT DOES NOT MATTER"

But it does matter. It matters because we are now about FIFTEEN TRILLION 6 HUNDRED BILLION DOLLAR IN DEBT!!!  That is a lot of "matter".  And there is interest to pay on this debt. That is the 800 pound gorilla in the room.


For two reasons.

1) Every dollar spent on the interest of the debt, can not be spent on the citizens for help with disasters, food stamps, keeping our borders safe, and all sorts of governmental expenses.

2) The Federal Reserve is forcing the rates down. At some point, the Federal Reserve will be face with one of many problems by keeping the rates so very low.
a) More money in circulation is a recipe for inflation - something no one wants.
b) As the Fed prints more money, the dollar drops in value. It has dropped about 28% since 2003.
    As the value of the dollar drops, your ability to purchase things drops - specially as prices rise -         c) As rates begin to rise, (as they will eventually have to rise to ward off inflation) the interest n the debt            
    will increase. One hundred of a percent increase per trillion dollars mean an increase of interest of                
     $10,000,000 or TEN MILLION DOLLARS, A full precent would be 100 times that or
     $1,000,000,000 ONE BILLION DOLLARS. At Sixteen Trillion, Six Hundred Billion debt the
     amount of interest per 1% increase of debt equals and EXTRA $16.500,000,000 in interest
     payments. Money that can not be used for any social programs.And that does not even cut
     one dollar of the debt.



Soo here we are. A "crisis" of the Democrats who are trying desperately to pin this on the Republicans while the obama administration is now going to 100 cities to sign up more people for government hand-outs. That has to stop or 'momentum' all by itself will implode the US DOLLAR and cause the real crisis as the dollar becomes worthless.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Jesse Jackson Jr and Wife

It's one thing to claim mental illness. It is another thing to steal consistently for SEVEN YEARS.
And his wife was completely n the loop on this stealing.

At some point, people have to pay for their wrong doings. It is not enough the just say I accept responsibility. You do the crime, you do the time.

Both Jesse Jr and hs wife need to do time. And the children can stay with family for the few yerarsthey are in prison.


Otherwise, the bad guys get away with stealing from the public.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Monday, February 18, 2013

obama, ge, facebook and TAXES

Obama is always talking about paying 'your fair share' - even though he never identifies what a 'fair share' is. What does "Fair Share" really mean???

So lets look at this by the numbers.

Obama took 2 full weeks in Hawaii for vacation only a few weeks ago Why Hawaii? Who would n't want to go there. BUT obama has zero connection with Hawaii. Je just likes going there on your taxes.

Now obama is playing golf in Florida with Tiger Woods. Why does Tiger Woods now live in Florida. Because he does not want to pay the high state taxes in California where he used to live/ Is there something obama can learn from this?

Who is heading up obama's jobs department? The CEO of GE. GE has billions in cash over seas and makes Billions of Dollars in the USA BUT pays ZERO FEDERAL TAXES. Another glitch. Anyone see this???

Now obama is friends with Zuckerman whose company Facebook made over One BILLION dollars last year and will PAY ZERO FEDERAL TAXES THIS YEAR.

What is wrong with the thinking of this obama???
All he wants to do is spend, spend and spend some more. WHere will the money come from to spend?
Maybe some will come from middle class tax payers and a bit will come from high earning tax payers. The rest will come from PRINTING MONEY by the Federal Reserve Bank.

Ever time the Fed prints money, your dollars are worth less. If you say this fast enough you begin to see that dollars are worthless. Our dollar currency is collapsing as we live and breathe today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Something has to be done with our currency besides printing more money. We need to cut spending and cut it this year - not 5 years down the road where it will not matter. As we lose control of the US deficit, we lose our country, our security, our ability to maintain a high standard of living.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Jesse Jackson's troubles and more...

Parents usually give their children their values by direct and INDIRECT words and actions.
What Jesse the younger saw was his father blackmailing corporations for money to support his organization. It went like this. They would call up and ask for a donation. If they got it, fine. If
 they did not get a donation, Jesse would call a boycott of that company's products. Only after a
large donation was received would the boycott be called off. I call this corporate blackmail.

That is the value Jesse Jackson grew up within. So he thought he could do this himself.
So, in my opinion, Jesse stole from his campaign funds to support his values not because
 of bi-polar problems but because those were his values.

And the entire family knew this. That is why they hid Jesse in a hospital just like Hilary Clinton
went to a hospital after the Benhgazi terror attack --- which obama never approved helping our
embassy personal --- to let the situation cool down. Hilary yelled, "What difference does it make!
They're dead. Lets move on!!!"

Well Jesse's family said, "He's sick and it's not his fault." These politicians just lie and cheat us every chance they get.

Jesse needs to go to jail. Jesse's wife needs to be on probation for 6 years. That way she can stay home;
taking care of her children. But Jesse needs to pay with jail time and a loss of pension. plus a fine.

Just like either Hilary needs to be jailed for her lack of assistance to out ambassidors which got them killed by terrorists OR obama needs to be impeached. One or both need to lose their pension. And all the people in the state department who were shifted to other jobs need to be fired with a loss of their pensions.

We need to clean up government and make government responsible to the citizens. We can do this by
starting a grass roots effort to enforce TERM LIMITS ON ALL CONGRESS just like we impose
a limit of two terms for a President.

And that;'s the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Obama and Racism

When is the last time you noticed the Senate or the House of Representatives agreeing
by a majority of 98.5%??? I can't remember.

They are an intelligent (for the most part) group of people with diverse backgrounds

Now, lets look at the Black Population. They voted 98.5% for obama. Amazing.
They have the worst unemployment during the obama term at 25%. They are also
getting their "fair share" of 'benefits'.

But they have different levels of education. Have different aspirations. Have different jobs.
They live in cities and rural areas. They have a share of the diminishing middle class. Yet,
they almost voted for obama.

This is also a group of people who constantly complain of being the victims of racism.
Yet, they are, in my opinion,  the most racist group of people in the United States.

It is the black people that see racism in everything. No other group of Americans see
racism as much or as often.

It's my belief that the black people need to emphasize more on getting educated and
less on worrying about racism. They need to be less worried about being 'proud' they are
 'black and beautiful' and more concerned about teaching their children about empathy.

Only empathy will stop the black-on-black killings.

Only empathy will force the community to praise education.

The black people say, "We have one in the White House. We have arrived." That
is a false premise. Only obama arrived. The rest of the black people are 25%
unemployed and 48% dropping out of school and 22% are raising children on welfare as
a way of life. That is not 'arriving'.

It is all about education. Through education, there are choices in life and the possibilities
of getting a job. Education means learning to talk like everyone else. Education means reading
and making decisions for yourself. Education means being able to see through the political lies
 that both sides toss out on a regular basis. Education will be a way to avoid having to join a gang.
Education is something real to be proud of.

And that's the way I see it///
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

What conservatives need to do

Here are my thoughts about the conservative movement.

1) Conservatives need to be pro-active all the time.
2) Conservatives need to counter every single assault by obama and all democrats every day.
3) Conservatives need an internet presence. Looking at the internet, all I see are ads for obama.
why aren;t there ads for conservatives?
We need a body language consultant to help all conservative candidates. Romney's body
language did not demonstrate strong leadership even though I believe he has a tough 
inner strength.
4) The Presidency is about budget, foreign affairs, enforcing the constitution, promoting few laws that have few unintended consequences and getting out of the way of business.
It is not about abortion, school reform, or drugs or gay rights. Leaving that out of the platform
will make conservatives more "independent" friendly.
5) Someone needs to combine all conservatives. When the Tea Party fights with "middle-of-the-road conservatives --- only the democrats win. We need a united front and that message needs to be broadcast to all parts including talk radio. 
6) Conservatives  need to get immigration fixed before the 2018 election and get that out of the
democrats' platform.
7) Conservatives need better speech writers.
8) Conservative candidates need to understand that the slightest 'blip' will destroy the 
entire message and the candidate.
9) Conservative candidates need media schooling. The recent Rubio - water incident shows amateur media understanding. Senator Rubio should have had a lectern to stand behind
with water in a glass for drinking. The light should not have been so hot either.He should have been posed as the professional he is. Now he will always be "handling' the 
drink-gate. It was shown 155 times on CNN up through 2.15.13.
10) The message needs to be made public every day in every way from radio, to TV to
the intertnet in general, to internet blogs to facebook to Linkedin. 
That's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Who will be the next pope?

The pope with all its baggage, is the one stand against a world dominated by the muslims - a backward 3rd century religion that takes all rights away from women, condones killing anyone not of the islim faith and would set back all western cultures by 2000 years. I believe a pope is necessary in the world at this time - given the religious structure of the world.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Obama's Chicago visit.

My opinion obama's visit to Chicago was nothing bet  PHOTO OP.

The children were bored to death.

His speech was slow and not interesting.

And he added nothing about gun control or gang and drug control.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Obama's Chicago Speech

First of all it is in front of teenagers. Obama os afraid of talking in front
of adults or people who will ask real questions.

Obama will most likely talk about gun control. After all, there Chicago

But, almost all the murders were done with 2ND Amendment guaranteed
gun ownership. Only a few murders in Chicago were done with assault

The murder rate in Chicago is more about drugs and gangs fighting for
control of territories.  Chicago needs to go after the gangs. And one reason
Chicago is not trying to stop drug gangs might be corruption at many levels.
The F.B.I. needs to get into Chicago and find any corruption and weed it out.

If Chicago had a NEW YORK CITY "STOP AND FRISK" program,
there would be a greater drop in murders and gun violence.

There are lots of good gun laws already on the books. But they are not being
enforced - specially in Chicago.

What we need are stronger penalties for using a gun in a crime. Something like,
"If you use a gun in a crime, it is an automatic 20 years with no parole option."
And if they get out and use a gun a second time the term must be 50 years of
hard labor. Better yet, instead of making this a state law, make this a Federal Law.

I'm told that doing time in a Federal prison is much worse than in a state prison.

And we need to bring back the death penalty in gangland killings.

So lets sum up.
1) Chicago needs a Stop and Frisk program
2) Commit a crime with a gun go to jail for 20 years.
3) Repeat gun offenders get 50 years.
4) Make this a federal Law and send them to Federal Prison.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Obama's logic

Obama wants to "invest" in America. But where will the money come from?

Lets look back. President clinton, when he wasn't putting it to interns on
his desk, cut the military budget and used the money to cut the deficit.

OK. Looking back, it worked because they actually used the money
that was re-directed for the military towards the deficit and it worked.

Now we are planning to cut the military but the money will be spent on
more government spending - OPPS I mean 'investing'.

So instead of trimming the deficit, the deficit will increase. In fact it
will increase in the next 4 years faster then the previous four years.

Why id the deficit important???

Because, The United States has to pay interest on the debt - the deficit.
Every dollar spent on interest in a dollar not able to spend on social programs.

And when the deficit increases just a few trillion more, the United States will
never be able to pay the interest on the debt let alone paying down the deficit.

Then, all the Democratic politicians will blame the Republicans on something
so throw the blame off today's Senate inaction to control the debt.

When the President says he wants to cut 4 trillion dollars, he is lying just like
when he said in 2009 that he wanted to cut the deficit in half by 2012. Even though
the numbers might add up to 4 trillion, it is an accounting switch and bait.

The increase in taxes will happen - but the cut in spending will not happen.
That's right!!! Taxes will go up for everyone. Not just people earning over
$250,000 per year. Feel cheated and lied to yet???

Wait, there's more cheating. The increase in taxes will happen now BUT
the spending cuts will happen in 4 to 8 years from now. You just can't believe
that a completely new Congress will allow those cuts on spending. It's
SMOKE AND MIRRORS. An accounting ponzi scheme of sorts with
your money - your tax money.

And if you do not pay taxes, the hand outs your are receiving will
eventually get cut or cut back. WHY? Because there will be no money
to pay out when the deficit tops out in another 3 or 4 years.

Then what will happen??? For one thing, the Federal Reserve will only
be able to print money for so long before the American Dollar collapses.

Then all the people on the dole will take to the streets to complain. Instead
they should be planning now to get employed or to start a small business so
they will have an income to stock up on dried food and pre-pay utilities
so they can live through the calamity.

The obama lie compounded with the Senate not agreeing on a budget for four years.
is causing this problem. Soon, the USA will be like Greece. Don;t believe it???
See what happens when the same thing happened in England and Italy and Spain
and France and Portugal. They all rioted when the government can not pay
for the social security and the unemployment funds and the food stamps and medicare.

You voted him on. Now everyone will pay the price.

That's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Why is obama's face everywhere on the internet???

Have you noticed that obama's face is everywhere on the internet just like every other dictator in third world countries. This over-exposed President is pushing the respectable position of the
President of the United States into a horrible place.

OK, I understand face and name recognition for getting votes. But the 23rd amendment of the
U.S. Constitution limits any President to two terms. And that means obama is out after 2016.

So why is his face plastered on the internet like a cockroach??? - it's everywhere.

Maybe Ted Nugent was right and he is a threat to the U.S. and its Constitution.

Remember, obama is from Chicago where he studied under Mayor Daily (The Boss -
read the book to understand) and where it's patronage or the highway or cement boots.
That is the history of Chicago and the "Chicago Way."

In other words the Chicago Way says --- If I can't buy you or bribe you, I'll kill you.

Hey, I'm not making this up. Even today, Chicago is more dangerous than all of
Afghanistan. Today, it is the "homicide" capital of the United States. It's not about guns.
It is about gangs and controlling the drug sales. And obama's answer shows he does
not understand or does not want to understand this fact. He is too rapped up in his
personal ideology to even consider what other people know except for Vallory Jarrett.

Obama does not make a move without discussing it with Vallory. Ask the people
in the West Wing and you will hear stories about Vallory screaming to everyone
and talking like she is the second President.

Let's hope we can survive the next obama term and vote in a politician that has
both business and management experience - none of which this obama has,.

Lastly, it is the obligation of every citizen to own and know how to use a gun(s).
This will protect you from both civil strife and from a dictator's military.

And that's the way I see it...
Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Why isn't obama being impeached???

This President does not give a damn about the white US citizens not anyone else.

He never asked about the embassy in Benhgazi when the ambassador went missing for
12 hours before the terror attack nor during the 24 hours after the terror attack started.



And Hilary was part of this cover up. Hilary said she accepts responsibility but
 she never paid the price of responsibility. She is running for President on 2016.

Hilary and the President spent $35,000,000 of our money to produce a phony video.

The President needs to take responsible and step down.


OR, he needs to be impeached.

 And that's the way I see it...

Straight Talk with Jay Clifford.